
What is Bandwidth?

Most hosting companies offer a variety of bandwidth options in their service. But what is really bandwidth to do with web hosting? bandwidth is the amount of traffic that is allowed between your web site. The amount of the bandwidth provided by a hosting company is determined by their network connections, both internal to their data center and external to the public Internet.

If we had known the Internet or at least never used the Internet we would have heard the term bandwidth, the question now is whether the bandwidth is that?
Bandwidth is broad or wide frequency range used by the signal transmission media. Within this framework, the bandwidth can be defined as the difference between the high frequency signal components and low frequency signals. Signal frequency is measured in Hertz. A typical voice signal has a bandwidth of about 3 kHz, analog TV broadcasts (TV) has a bandwidth of about 6 MHz.

On the computer networks, bandwidth is often used as a synonym for data transfer rate is the amount of data that can be carried from one point to another within a certain period (usually within seconds). This type of bandwidth is usually measured in bps (bits per second). Sometimes also expressed in Bps (bytes per second). A modem that works on the bandwidth of 57.600 bps has twice the size of a modem that works at 28.800 bps.

In general, connections with large bandwidth / high enables the delivery of information such as sending pictures / images in a video presentation. The packages are provided by bandwidth-CHANNEL-11 varied. 32 kbps means that in every second user can send data packets of 32 kb (kilobits). Or if you like you want to take / send a data size of 1 MB (Mega Byte) then can be calculated theoretically 1 MB x 8 x 1024 = 8192 kb so that the estimate of time needed is 8192/32 = 256 seconds = 4.2 minutes.

This time is a rough calculation of the time where in fact the data to be sent or taken to add a bit more as a header and others that will add to the length of the data transmission. Please note that 1 MB = 1024 kb

Network connectivity

Internet, in a simple context, is a group of millions of computers connected to a network or network. In the Internet connection can be large or small depending on wiring and equipment used on a particular internet location. Is the size of each network connection that determines how much bandwidth is available. For example, if you are using a DSL connection to connect to the internet, you have a 1:54 Mega bits (Mb) of bandwidth. Therefore, the bandwidth is measured in bits (a 0 or 1). Bits are grouped in bytes which form words, text, and other information sent between your computer and the internet.

If you have a DSL connection connected to the internet, you have dedicated bandwidth between your computer and your Internet provider. But your internet provider may have hundreds of DSL connections to their location. All these connections are on your internet provider who then has its own dedicated connection to the internet (or multiple connection) that is greater than your single connection. They must have enough bandwidth to serve your computing needs as well as all other customers. So while you have a connection Mb 1:54. to the internet your provider, your internet provider may have a 255 Mb connection to the internet so it can accommodate your needs and up to 166 users (255/1.54).


A simple analogy is used to understand bandwidth and traffic is to think like roads and vehicles. Bandwidth is the amount of foundation that can be taken on the highway and traffic is the number of vehicles on the highway. If you was the only vehicle in the road, you can travel with you very fast. If hours stuck in traffic, you'll travel very slowly since all paths are in use.

Traffic really is the number of bits in transmitted in a network or network connection. To facilitate the understanding of the traffic is to use an example. One Gigabyte is 2 in 30 magnitude (1,073.741.824) bytes. In perspective, it takes one byte to store one character. Imagine 100 file cabinets in a building, each cabinet holds 1000 folders. Each folder has 100 papers. Each paper consists of 100 characters - A GB is all the characters in a building. An MP3 ranged between 4MB, the same song in wav format ranging from 40Mb, a film can range from 800MB to 1000MB (1000MB = 1GB).

If you transfer an MP3 from a website to your computer, you will create a 4 MB of traffic between the web site you downloaded the source and your computer. Depending on the network connection between the web site and the internet, the transfer can take place very quickly, or it can take time if other people are downloading the same file at the same time. for example, a website where you download has a 10 MB connection to the Internet, and you only connect one web site to download your MP3, 4 MB file you will be the only traffic on the website.

However, if three people all the same MP3 downloads at the same time, 12 MB (3 x 4 MB) of traffic that has been created. Because in this example, the host only has 10 MB of bandwidth, means that there are people who have to wait. Network equipment at the hosting company will be cyclical through each person downloading the file and transfer a small portion at the same time so that each person has a file transfer, but the transfer for everyone downloading the file will be slow. If 100 people all came to a particular site and download the MP3 at the same time, the transfer for each person will run very slowly. If the host wants to reduce the time needed to download the file permanently, it must increase the bandwidth of their internet connection (and the required lawyer-upgradean

Bandwidth Hosting

In the example above, we discussed traffic in terms of downloading an MP3 file. However, each time you visit a website, you creates a traffic, because you are displaying a web page on your computer, the first web page downloaded to your computer (the web site and you) are then displayed using browser software (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc..). The page itself is a file that causes traffic as MP3 files in the example above (however, a web page is usually smaller than a music file).

A web page can be very small or large depending on the amount and the amount of text from the image-quality integrated For example, a homepage for a range detik.com 200 KB (200 kilobytes = 200.000
bytes = 1,600,000 bits). bytes = 1,600,000 bits). This is usually large for a web page. In comparison yahoo home page ranges from 70 KB.

How Bandwidth What is needed?

It depends on (his bete denger this answer). But in fact, is yes. Since bandwidth is a very significant set of hosting price, you should consider how much you need. Almost all hosting companies have a monthly bandwidth in the calculation, so you must take into account the amount of bandwidth required by your site each month.

If you do not intend to provide features download files from your website, the formula for calculating bandwidth is very clear:

Daily average Web visitor x The average Web page is displayed x The average Web page size x 31 x Fudge Factor.

If you intend to allow people to download files from your website, your bandwidth calculation should be:

[(Average Daily Web Visitors x Average Web Page Published x Average Web Page Size) + (Average Daily Download File x Average File Size)] x 31 x Fudge Factor

Let us consider each statement in the formula:

Daily average web visitor - the estimated number of people visiting your website, on average, every day. Depending on how you market your site, this number can range from 1 to 1,000,000.

The average Web page is displayed - On average, the number of web pages on the show to someone. If you have 50 web pages in your website, some people may only display 5 of each page each time they visit.

The average Web page size - The average size of your web pages, in kilobytes (KB If you have designed your site, you can calculate this directly.

Average daily Download File - The average number of downloads you expect to happen on your site. This is a function of the number of visitors and how many visitors to download a file, on average each day.

Average File Size - Average file size of files that can be downloaded from your site. Same with your web page, can be downloaded, you can calculate this directly.

Fudge Factor - A number greater than 1 using 1.5 more secure, which it is assumed that you are estimating by 50%. However, if you is not sure, you can use 2 or 3 to ensure that appropriate bandwidth needs.

Typically, hosting companies offer bandwidth on a scale Gigabytes (GB) per month. This is why our formula takes the count and average with 31.


Most personal or small business scale sites will not require more than 1 GB of bandwidth per month. If you have a web site that consists of static web pages and you need a little traffic on your site daily, then use a small-scale bandwidth. If you use the amount of bandwidth you Allocation based planning, your hosting company will charge fees based on usage, so if you think traffic to your site will be significant, you may need to calculate the amount of the Estimate of the bandwidth required in a hosting plan.
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Convert FLV To AVI/MPEG/WMV and other

In previous posting i wrote how to Download video in youtube.com, after that maybe we want save in the other format of video such AVI converter.
1. this first tool maybe can solve our problem, and this only convert at format Avi, i just want to share everything in the world.

this tool name is Video Converter.
convert flv to avi

Download Video Converter free here
2. And the second tool you can convert FLV files on AVI/MPEG/WMV we can use this tool.
Freez Flv to AVI/MPEG/WMV Converter is a tool to convert Flash FLV video files to AVI, MPEG, WMV video files so that they can be played in Windows Media Player or edited by video editing software. You can set output video's bitrate, framerate, output audio's bitrate. Convert batches of Flv files to AVI/MPEG/WMV files with high speed. The simple and friendly interface make the program very easy to use.

Download Freez Flv free here
3. SmartMovie is a collection of two software programs – one of them – Converter – allows you to convert video clips from your desktop PC to a format playable on a mobile device, and other – Player – allows you to playback the converted video on your mobile device. Here we’ll come through basic steps to learn about how to proceed during conversion of video files for playback on your wireless device.
You can place your videos avi in Handphone with your configure is ffdshow video encoder.
avi mpeg

Download Smart Movie free here

I hope this posting can help us.
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Award internasional blogger community

International Bloggers Community award, dengan latar belakang biru begitu damai dan teduh berisi gambar 9 orang mengelilingi bola dunia yang saling bergandengan tangan td.
sebagai simbol dari komunitas blogger yang ada di dunia bersama-sama saling bergandengan tangan bersatu hati ciptakan persahabatan yang sehat,
saling berbagi tanpa mengenal perbedaan dalam meraih kebaikan.. (menurut sayaaaa... bagi yang setuju silahkanacungkan tangan) . Ok daripada saya salah menafsirkan lebih jauh mending bagi-bagi aja deh awardnya. Tapi sebelumnya ada aturannya (copy paste dari pendahulu):
1. Link the person who tagged you (Tautkan dengan orang yang men-tag kamu).
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post (Kopikan gambar di atas berikut aturan dan pertanyaan pada postingan ini).
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs (Posting award ini pada satu atau pada semua blog milik kamu).
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules (Jawab empat pertanyaan di bawah dengan mengikuti aturan yang ada).
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them (Rekrut sedikitnya tujuh orang teman yang ada pada Blog Roll kamu lalu berbagi award ini dengan mereka).
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List (Kunjungi BloGGiST INFo CoRNeR (Jangan ubah linknya) di bloggistame.blogspot.comdan tinggalkan URL blog kamu untuk ditambahkan ke Master List).
7. Have Fun! (Selamat bersenang-senang!) Questions & Your Answers (Pertanyaan & Jawaban):
1. The person who tagged you (Orang yang me-tag kamu): Ica
2. His/her site's title and url (Judul situs dan url-nya) Icawoman.blogspot.com
3. Date when you were tagged (Tanggal ketika men-tag kamu): August 23,2009
4. Persons you tagged (Orang-orang yang kamu tag atau beri award):
Award ini saya berikan kepada:

1. tradmusics
2. sismadia
3. Smileboys

Semoga diterima dengan senang hati, dan mari kita bangun tali silaturahim yang baik dan positif. Bagi teman-teman yang namnya tidak disebutkan, Semua tetap sobat baik saya.
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Tips singkat download video dari youtube

postingan Tips singkat download video dari  youtube ini buat teman-teman saya waktu di SD yang pernah nyakitin gw...terutama..untuk yang namanya..tiiit...eh itu mah Marshanda donk ya..
postingan ini bwat teman-teman zein yang dah sering nanyain..bagaimana cara nge-download video dari www.youtube.com ?, mungkin ini bisa menyelesaikan nya..
tapi kalau ga bisa.. ya itu mah jangan salahin zein, tapi bener ko bisa berhasil.
soalnya sudah pernah di cobain dan ternyata emang berhasil..
oke deh ini caranya.

1. seperti biasa masuk ke alamatnya www.youtube.com.
2. ketikan video yang kita inginkan di youtube search.
3. ya klik aja video nya dan ada nama URL nya disebelah kanan, atau url/alamat situs yang berada diatas lalu copy kan, link tersebut seperti gambar berikut..


4. buka browser internet baru dan ketikan www.keepvid.com
5. setelah itu kasih garam secukupnya..eh salah itu mah kiat-kiat masak ya..paste url yang dari youtube tadi ke urlnya www.keepvid.com tadi..seperti gambar berikut..

6. klik download deh..dan pilih qualitas video mana yg terbaik buat kamu..seperti gambar di bawah ini pilihannya..

sebenarnya masih banyak situs yang bisa nge-download dari www.youtube.com. ini hanya salah satu contohnya.

1. Go to your favorite video www.youtube.com  and copy the link to the webpage it's on. It can be from any site we have listed below.
2. Enter the link in www.keepvid.com.Once you have gotten the link to the video you want enter it in the form. Then click "download".
3. * After you click "download" you will be wait for a while and you'll be see download link in the form below in www.keepvid.com. save on your computer, you're all done!
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Download Diskeeper

visit to Download new Diskeeper full version 2009 here..

Disk Defragmenter automatic on your computer with diskeeper.
Diskeeper gives you a unique window on your hard disks’ level of fragmentation with at-a-glance before and after GUIs.
The most important improvements are the ones that occur on your system. The following steps will give you a quick and easy demonstration of Diskeeper on your own workstation or server., and introduce recommended settings.
If you do not have Diskeeper installed, do that now.
Once you’ve installed Diskeeper, just follow these easy steps:
1. Launch the Diskeeper program.
2. Highlight the system volume (typically the C: drive), then click the Analyze selected drive option on the left side of the display.
3. Run the analysis by clicking the Start option in the menu displayed.
4. Diskeeper 8 introduces several helpful new reports. The default window tab provides Performance gain estimates. The Reliability tab window alerts you to general file system health. The Fragmentation window details fragmentation specifics, including file summary information, average fragments per file statistics and fragmentation percentages. Save this particular analysis by clicking the Save option at the bottom of the Fragmentation pane.
5. After saving the analysis results, briefly view the Drive Map pane. This graphic representation is a quick and helpful tool to gauge fragmentation levels.
6. Repeat the above steps for each volume.
7. Next, navigate to the “Set It and Forget It”® tab window. Once open, follow the instructions to expand the Set It and Forget It menu on the left.
8. Select the Set Smart Schedule after hours option. Check the box to extend this schedule to all of your disk volumes and click the OK button. From this point forward Diskeeper will automatically maintain your volumes in the background, with no further intervention from you.
9. Note: If this is the first time you are defragmenting your volumes, the first few passes of Diskeeper may cause some system slows as there will be months or years worth of built up fragmentation. If this is the case you may choose to select the Smart Schedule After Hours option, or create a custom schedule. By default Diskeeper scheduled defragmentation passes are designed to use only “left-over” system resources, ensuring transparent-to-user defragmentation.
10. To check on Diskeeper progress, return to the program the next day (after Diskeeper has run a defragmentation schedule) and re-run the Analysis. Repeat the steps to record analysis data. (remember to save the results to a different file name than the “before” analysis results). By comparing the “before” and “after” reports, you can assess Diskeeper's benefit to your systems performance and reliability.
11. The schedule we set for Diskeeper will continue to maintain your file system operating at an optimum level. For systems that power down at night or fragment quickly you can extend the time window for Smart Scheduling® to include the entire day without concern that Diskeeper will hinder regular system usage. Remember that by default Diskeeper scheduled defragmentation passes are designed to use only “left-over” system resources, ensuring transparent-to-user defragmentation.

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Free money from cashfiesta

a great Internet company - Cashfiesta.com - that has created a product everyone can benefit from. They pay you while you work or play on your computer. All you need to do is keep their software - the FiestaBar™ - active while you are online. They even pay you when your friends are using their computers.

Unlike other companies, Cashfiesta gives you control over how much money you earn. They have an individual payrate based on the number of Special Offers you sign up for. As some of these offers are free, you can increase your payrate up to 33 times without spending a penny.

It's free and easy to join and your privacy is completely protected. Here is the link, enjoy and happy money making.

There are different ways to build up your referral network. One is to just tell your friends, family, and other acquaintances about the benefits of being a Cashfiesta member. It only takes a minute to catch their attention - show them a copy of the check you received from Cashfiesta.com, tell them about the special deal offered to you by one of our partners.

Email promotion is another way to approach your friends and acquaintances. Below we have provided a sample email you can use to quickly and efficiently reach a group of friends and acquaintances, but remember - Cashfiesta tolerates ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM.

There are legitimate (no spam) ways to expand your referral network to include people you don't even know. If you are a Webmaster, you can link your web site to Cashfiesta using your referral URL. For linking codes, banners and tips, go to the Webmasters page. Even if you don't have a web site, you can still generate visits to your referral URL and make lots of new referrals by utilizing some of the Referral Tips we have prepared for you.

Check it out !
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Demokrasi berarti penyimpangan; ia berarti izin yang diberikan pada setiap dari organisme untuk melakukan apa saja yang disukai nya, ia berarti dihapuskannya koherensi dan interdependensi, keagungan dari kemerdekaan dan kekacauan (chaos). Demokrasi berarti pemujaan pada "orang-orang kebanyakan" dan kebencian pada "orang-orang unggul". Demokrasi, dengan demikian, berarti ketidakmungkinan lahirnya manusia unggul dan bangsa-bangsa besar. "Masyarakat Demokratis adalah masyarakat yang tanpa karakter; yang menjadi figur dan model bukan manusia superior, melainkan manusia mayoritas, setiap orang berusaha menyerupai orang-orang lain, juga dalam hal seks laki-laki menjadi perempuan dan perempuan menjadi laki-laki.

Feminisme adalah akibat langsung dari demokrasi dan kristianitas.
bersama feminisme datanglah sosialisme dan anarkisme. semua itu tidak lain adalah sampah demokrasi. kalau kekuasaan politik dikatakan adil, mengapa kekuasaan ekonomi berat sebelah dan selalu timpang?

persoalan politik yang sebenarnya adalah bagaimana menghindari pengusaha menjadi pemimpin, menjadi orang yang mengatur. pengusaha mempunyai pandangan yang pendek dan pikiran yang sempit. Ia tidak seperti para Aristokrat yang dilatih untuk menjadi negarawan, yang berwawasan luas dan pemikiran yang dalam, merekalah yang sebetulnya mempunyai hak untuk mengatur, untuk menjadi penguasa.
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Delapan hal yang dimiliki pembicara terbaik

Sebagian besar orang sukses adalah pembicara-pembicara yang sukses. tidak mengherankan sebaliknya. Jika anda telah mengembangkan - kemampuan untuk berbicara dengan baik, Anda akan sukses.
Ciri-ciri pembicara Terbaik

1. Mereka memandang suatu hal dari sudut baru, mengambil titik pandang yang tak terduga pada subjek yang umum.

2. Mereka mempunyai cakrawala luas. mereka memikirkan dan membicarakan isu-isu dan pengalaman luas di luar kehidupan mereka sehari-hari.

3. Mereka antusias, menunjukan minat besar pada apa yang mereka perbuat dalam kehiduapan mereka dan pada yang anda katakan pada kesempatan itu.

4. Mereka tidak pernah membicarakan diri mereka sendiri.

5. Mereka sangant ingin tahu. Mereka bertanya "Mengapa? Mereka ingin lebih mengetahui tentang apa yang anda katakan.

6. Mereka memberi ketegasan. Mereka berusaha menempatkan diri pada posisi Anda untuk memahami yang Anada katakan.

7. Mereka mempunyai selera humor. Dan mereka tidak keberatan mengolok-ngolok diri sendiri. sungguh, konversasional terbaik sering mengisahkan pengalaman lucu mereka sendiri.

8. Mereka mempunyai gaya bicara sendiri.
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Download Cool Edit pro 2.0

This tool can be used to create a song or musical arrangements so easily, we can record our guitar easily with just a cable plugs into the input jack pc computer or we can record a guitar, you can download Cool edit pro V2.0 here in below.

And we also can enter a drum that has a MP3 or wav file that then will be incorporated into a music arranger our creation, to make his drums we can use Fruity loops.

Cool Edit Pro, the complete multitrack digital audio recorder, editor, and mixer for Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. We hope you'll enjoy the most powerful version of Cool Edit ever. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank those who helped make this product happen by sending in comments and personal wish lists…you, the user!

We’re sure you'll find Cool Edit Pro so easy to use that you'll probably never need to open up this Help file...but should you need some explanation or assistance, you'll find it here. Feel free to use the information above to contact us or visit us on the Web if you don’t find what you’re looking for here.

So go ahead and get down to making some great sounds…and thanks for using Cool Edit Pro!

Syntrillium Software Corporation


This Help file is organized in the following manner:

  • Getting Started contains overview information about Cool Edit Pro and Syntrillium Software.
  • Navigating Cool Edit Pro is a tour of the program's interface.
  • Menu Reference details every slider, checkbox, and button available for all menu commands.
  • How To... has information about accomplishing a specific task.
  • Troubleshooting answers questions about common problems and other issues you may run into.
  • MIDI/SMPTE introduces these two concepts.
  • Appendix has additional information on topics such as sound formats and terms.

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ImTOO Mpeg Encoder

A lot of sort of tool to convert video type 3gp, mpeg and so forth, whether it be for them to change so Can played on handhone or mp4.

ImTOO MPEG Encoder is one of them this tool can convert some types of video data that can convert to any video type.

ImTOO MPEG Encoder is a powerful, universal video converter, which converts video files among almost all popular video formats such as DVD, VCD, SVCD, MOV, RM, AVI, MPEG, WMV, 3GP, etc. In addition, the video converter provides a powerful way to convert video files to all popular audio files, including MP2, MP3, AC3, RA, M4A, OGG, AAC etc. All conversion processes are very easy and fast with hight quality.
Features include:

* Convert among various video formats including DVD, VCD, SVCD, MOV, RM, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MPEG1/2/4, 3GP;
* Convert video formats to all popular audio files, including MP2, MP3, AC3, RA, M4A;
* Support batch conversion;
* Converts any clip or segment of input file;
* Supports preview. Users can preview the input files before conversion.
* Support multithreading, you can convert multiple files at the same time;
* Set parameters of the video and audio codec by yourself;

Quick Start

1. Click "Add" button, which is located above the preview screen or choose "Add..." in the File menu to load original file from the folder.
2. After you successfully load the file, information of the file, such as "Name", "Duration" and "Type", etc, can be shown in the list.
3. You can preview the file in the left preview window. The "Previous", "Play", "Pause", "Stop" and "Next" buttons are all available. It should be noted that this function is only for preview purpose.
4. Highlight the loaded file and choose output format from "Profile" combo-box, which is under the preview screen, all the supported encoding formats can be found there. After the output format is set, it will also be shown under the "Target" Column of the list. You can select different output format for different file.
5. Set "Destination" by clicking "Browse..." button to select folder or entering the path directly to decide where to save the output file ; "C:\temp" is the default one.
6. Highlight the loaded file, you may adjust all settings on the right panel, nevertheless, you'd better keep the default with some exceptions.
7. Click "Encode" to start converting. The "Status" column will show "Completed" for a successful conversion.
8. After the conversion is completed, click "Open" to visit the destination folder directly.
9. What to do now? Just enjoy your movie or music!

System Requirements
OS Supported:

* Windows 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP

Hardware Requirements:

* Intel Pentium II 350MHz or above, or any Athlon
* 64 MB RAM or above

Supported File Formats
Supported Input formats:

* MPEG (mpg, mpeg, dat, vob), MPEG4 (mp4, m4v);
* MPEG Audio (mp2, mp3, m4a);
* AVI;
* Apple QuickTime (mov, qt);
* 3GPP (3gp);
* DV(dv, dif);
* Real Media (rm, ra, ram, rmvb);
* RAW Video (h261, h264, m4v, yuv);
* WAV, AU;
* OGG;
* AAC;
* Raw AC3;
* Macromedia Flash (swf-decoding audio only);
* Animated GIF;
* NUT;

Supported output formats:

* MPEG (mpg, vob), MPEG4 (mp4);
* MPEG Audio (mp2, mp3, m4a);
* AVI;
* Apple QuickTime (mov, qt);
* 3GPP (3gp);
* Real Media (ra, rm);
* WAV;
* OGG;
* AAC;
* Raw AC3;

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VCD Cutter Download

By using this tool, our work in cutting the video will be easier. of use are so simple just to put the duration that we will cut and then set the duration of the latter also aka we cut and later can also cut the vcd cutter combined with these or with other tools.

VCDCutter is a MPEG,VCD and Movie Player. This version can play MPG,VCD,or
other movie files(such as MPG,DAT,AVI,MOV). Very friendly and menu driven
with full featured control with movie file. VCDCutter can extract MPG,frame
from VCD or MPG file, cutting your favourite part or whole MPG file to disk
when playing(now can extract system stream,or video,audio stream only).

Some features of VCDCutter:

. Optimized performance for Win95/Win98/WinME/NT/Win2000.

. Support mostly movie format playing (AVI,MPG,MPEG,DAT,WAV,MOV,M1V,MPV).

. Many options to fully control the playing operation.

. You can import/export play list or clip list.

. Support movie files Drag/Drop operation.

. Cut mpg clips to disk, and save them as mpg (video&audio),m1v
(video only),or mp3 (audio only) files. supported streams include:
mpg system stream(MPG), video only stream(M1V), or audio only

. Divide big MPG stream in to multi-smaller parts.

. Split MPG system stream(mpg) into them component(m1v,mp3).

. Mplex mpeg video(m1v) and mpeg audio(mp3) into system stream(mpg).

. Converter: AVI => MPG.

. You can cut some clips, and then join them into one clip file.

. You can extract frames to disk when you are playing. support extract 4
frames into one big frame.

. Fully control the playback quality and performance.

. You can scale the movie size.

. You can control the playing speed in range 0.1X~10.X.

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Download BlueSoleil bluetooth

Download Driver IVT BLUESOLEIL BlueTooth

BlueSoleil is a Windows-based software from IVT that allows your Bluetooth® enabled desktop or notebook computer to wirelessly connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices. BlueSoleil allows MS Windows users to wirelessly access a wide variety of Bluetooth enabled digital devices, such as cameras, mobile phones, headsets, printers, and GPS receivers. You can also form networks and exchange data with other Bluetooth enabled computers or PDAs.

In order to connect and share services via Bluetooth wireless technology, two devices must support the same Bluetooth Profile(s) as well as opposite device roles (i.e., one must be the server, and the other must be the client). Bluetooth enabled devices often support multiple profiles, and if involved in multiple connections, can perform different device roles simultaneously.
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