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Disk Defragmenter automatic on your computer with diskeeper.

Diskeeper gives you a unique window on your hard disks’ level of fragmentation with at-a-glance before and after GUIs.
The most important improvements are the ones that occur on your system. The following steps will give you a quick and easy demonstration of Diskeeper on your own workstation or server., and introduce recommended settings.
If you do not have Diskeeper installed, do that now.
Once you’ve installed Diskeeper, just follow these easy steps:
1. Launch the Diskeeper program.
2. Highlight the system volume (typically the C: drive), then click the Analyze selected drive option on the left side of the display.
3. Run the analysis by clicking the Start option in the menu displayed.
4. Diskeeper 8 introduces several helpful new reports. The default window tab provides Performance gain estimates. The Reliability tab window alerts you to general file system health. The Fragmentation window details fragmentation specifics, including file summary information, average fragments per file statistics and fragmentation percentages. Save this particular analysis by clicking the Save option at the bottom of the Fragmentation pane.
5. After saving the analysis results, briefly view the Drive Map pane. This graphic representation is a quick and helpful tool to gauge fragmentation levels.
6. Repeat the above steps for each volume.
7. Next, navigate to the “Set It and Forget It”® tab window. Once open, follow the instructions to expand the Set It and Forget It menu on the left.
8. Select the Set Smart Schedule after hours option. Check the box to extend this schedule to all of your disk volumes and click the OK button. From this point forward Diskeeper will automatically maintain your volumes in the background, with no further intervention from you.
9. Note: If this is the first time you are defragmenting your volumes, the first few passes of Diskeeper may cause some system slows as there will be months or years worth of built up fragmentation. If this is the case you may choose to select the Smart Schedule After Hours option, or create a custom schedule. By default Diskeeper scheduled defragmentation passes are designed to use only “left-over” system resources, ensuring transparent-to-user defragmentation.
10. To check on Diskeeper progress, return to the program the next day (after Diskeeper has run a defragmentation schedule) and re-run the Analysis. Repeat the steps to record analysis data. (remember to save the results to a different file name than the “before” analysis results). By comparing the “before” and “after” reports, you can assess Diskeeper's benefit to your systems performance and reliability.
11. The schedule we set for Diskeeper will continue to maintain your file system operating at an optimum level. For systems that power down at night or fragment quickly you can extend the time window for Smart Scheduling® to include the entire day without concern that Diskeeper will hinder regular system usage. Remember that by default Diskeeper scheduled defragmentation passes are designed to use only “left-over” system resources, ensuring transparent-to-user defragmentation.

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