This tool can be used to create a song or musical arrangements so easily, we can record our guitar easily with just a cable plugs into the input jack pc computer or we can record a guitar, you can download Cool edit pro V2.0 here in below.
And we also can enter a drum that has a MP3 or wav file that then will be incorporated into a music arranger our creation, to make his drums we can use Fruity loops.
Cool Edit Pro, the complete multitrack digital audio recorder, editor, and mixer for Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. We hope you'll enjoy the most powerful version of Cool Edit ever. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank those who helped make this product happen by sending in comments and personal wish lists…you, the user!
We’re sure you'll find Cool Edit Pro so easy to use that you'll probably never need to open up this Help file...but should you need some explanation or assistance, you'll find it here. Feel free to use the information above to contact us or visit us on the Web if you don’t find what you’re looking for here.
So go ahead and get down to making some great sounds…and thanks for using Cool Edit Pro!
Syntrillium Software Corporation
This Help file is organized in the following manner:
- Getting Started contains overview information about Cool Edit Pro and Syntrillium Software.
- Navigating Cool Edit Pro is a tour of the program's interface.
- Menu Reference details every slider, checkbox, and button available for all menu commands.
- How To... has information about accomplishing a specific task.
- Troubleshooting answers questions about common problems and other issues you may run into.
- MIDI/SMPTE introduces these two concepts.
- Appendix has additional information on topics such as sound formats and terms.