
Remove Virus copy of shortcut and Recycler (ramnit)


Virus copy of the shortcut and the Recycler (ramnit) is now on the rise. Many computers are infected and affected. To clean the virus copy of the shortcut and Recycler (ramnit) were easily easy to hard. Sometimes we can clean it, but apparently some time later came back. Well, on this occasion, said : sobatpc.com will try to share how to remove and clean Viruses copy of the shortcut and the Recycler (ramnit). Here's the tutorial.

Here are the steps that you can try to eliminate the virus copy of the shortcut and recycler (ramnit)

1. Download Dr.Web LiveCD ISO file first, klo not have please download the http://download.geo.drweb.com/pub/drweb/livecd/
2.Once the software is successfully downloaded Dr.Web LiveCD, burn into CD / DVD.
3. Connect the USB flash and external HDD to the computer.
4. Boot the computer through CD / DVD ROM.
5. Then the screen will display "Welcome to Dr.Web LiveCD".
6. Select "Dr.Web LiveCD (Default)" and then press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.
7. Wait a few moments to appear Dr.Web LiveCD interface that will display the application "Dr.Web Scanner" automatically. Dr.Web Scanner is working to conduct an examination of a computer buddy of the possibility of viruses.
8. Scan to HDD, on-screen "Dr.Web Scanner" select Drive location will be in check and make sure the buddy check list option "Scan subdirectories" that Dr.Web can perform checks on the directories and subdirectories for optimal cleaning. If the screen does not appear Dr.Web Scanner double click the icon "Dr.Web Scanner" contained on the Desktop.
8. Then click the [Start] to begin the examination process (scan).
9. Wait a while until the scan is completed. If you find any viruses, Dr.Web will inform the infected file and the type of virus that infects the virus information available columns.
10. Click the [Select All] to select all objects / files to be in the clear or friend can determine which files have to be my friend clean it with a check list on the options available.
11. Then click the [Cure] to clean up files that have been infected with the virus.
12. Wait until the cleaning process is completed.
13. Re-scan the computer to ensure your computer clean of viruses.
14. Restart the computer.

I think may Copy of the shortcut + virus recycler (ramnit) was missing from the PC pal. Hopefully how to remove virus recycler copy of the shortcut + (ramnit) this helps mate! amen ...

Happen if the internet connection is not friendly pal, it's good buddy to do some of the tips below so that the virus is not too swayed by my friend in the company ngeblok virus ramnit duplicate files by using the feature "Software Restriction Policies". But this feature only on the operating system Windows XP Pro, Vista, 7, Server 2003 and Server 2008. Well while waiting for the download Dr.Web LiveCD ma pal. The trick please see below:

1. Click the [Start]
2. Click [Run]
3. In the Run dialog box, type secpol.msc and click the [OK]
4. Once the screen appears "Local Security Policy", right-click menu "Software 5. 5.Restriction Policies" and click "Create New Policies" or "New Software
Restriction Policies" if using Windows Vista / 7
6. Then right click on the "Additional Rules", then select "New Hash Rule ..."  Then the screen will display "New Hash Rule". In the "File Hash", click the [Browse] and specify one of the duplicate file viruses that have the icon "Folder" with a size of 105 KB (example C: WindowsExplorermgr.exe) and click the [Open]. In the "Security Level", select [Disallowed]. Then click the [OK].
source : http://sobatpc.com

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