
Android smartphone Symbian as a biggest platform in the world


The result of a recent survey conducted Canalys show that surpassed Android smartphone Symbian as a platform in the world. Android-based smartphone product distribution during the fourth quarter of 2010 reached 33.3 million units and placing it as the largest market share holder of 32.9 percent.

Symbian is now to be satisfied ranked second with 30.6 percent market share. The number of Symbian smartphones are distributed is still under Android, which is only 31 million units.

Following the Android and Symbian consecutive IOS from Apple, BlackBerry from RIM, and Windows 7 Phone from Microsoft. IOS reach 16.2 percent market share with 16.2 million units of smartphones. BlackBerry market share reached 14.4 percent with 14.6 million units of smartphones. Microsoft took market share of 3.1 percent with 3.1 million units of smartphones. The remaining 2.9 percent market share divided by 3 million units of smartphones with various other platforms.

"Distribution of Android-based smartphone has a seven-fold surge to 33 million units worldwide since driven high sales in different handset vendors, such as Samsung of Korea and Taiwan's HTC Corp.," said Canalys analyst in his report on Monday (1/31/2011 .) In the fourth quarter of 2009, Android is a new record market share of 8.7 percent to 4.7 million units of smartphones.

From the survey it was found that the amount of the distribution of smartphone during the fourth quarter of 2010 increased nearly two times higher than last year. The number of smartphones that are distributed to reach 101.1 million units compared to 53.7 million units in the fourth quarter of 2009.

Despite all distribution platforms has increased the number of handsets, Android just recorded an increase in market share. Symbian previously in first place with 44.4 percent market share, followed by 20 percent IOS BlackBerry, iPhone OS 16.3 percent, 8.7 percent of Android, Windows 7.2 percent, and another 3.4 percent.
Source : http://id.berita.yahoo.com/

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