
Vga Card Overclock


Just like processors, overclock a graphics card, according to the term, is to make the clock
on the graphics card to work beyond the specifications set by the manufacturer.
Generally, overclock graphics card is done by raising the core clock (its VGA chip) or by increasing clock of the memory used.

The best combination is to raise the clock of the second these components, both core chip and memory used.

On graphics cards that have major limitations in memory bandwidth, increasing clock
memory will provide more significant improvement compared with the increase of the core clock only.

GeForce 2 MX and its variants are graphics cards that are in the bottleneck that has on
In general, the memory overclock GeForce 2 MX will provide more significant results
compared to overclock the chip nVidia own. Graphics card is another type, each
have properties that vary, depending on the architecture used.
How to overclock this graphics card, the most common way is through a software /
program is designed for it, such as RivaTuner, Rage 3d Tweak, and GeForce Tweak Utility.

Often the drivers that came with your graphics card has a facility to overclock.
With take advantage of this innate facility or program specifically designed to overclock the card graphics, you can increase the value of the core clock and memory to achieve the maximum value of still be well received by your graphics card. Of course, improvement procedures performed slowly.

One thing you notice is necessary stability and appearance of your graphics card.
If stability has been disrupted and the resulting picture has begun to have artifacts
not desirable, should the core clock and memory derived from. Coercion clock value
overload can damage the graphics card permanently. Overclock itself usually will result in
the temperature of the graphics card becomes hotter than the condition when not in-overclock.

This can lower the age of the graphics card itself. To add stability and dissipates heat which
excessive, can use additional fans or heatsinks on the graphics card in question.
Replacement of the fan and the old heatsink with a more powerful and can also be large.
Use of these heatsinks and fans can also be applied to the memory chip, the chip is not limited to VGA only. Air circulation in the casing should also be noted, the smooth flow of air will help heat transfer occurs.

In addition to the program specifically designed for overclocking, overclocking can also be done through the BIOS. Overclock through the BIOS is usually done by replacing the BIOS of the graphics card used by the BIOS from a third party which is designed with a higher clock. Overclock way This is not too often performed, since the BIOS from a third party who has the criteria as desired is rare enough.

Overclock also be done through the BIOS on the mainboard (not all types of mainboard),
especially with a choice of multiplier for the AGP bus to the Front Side Bus (FSB) which can be selected manually, generally 1:2 and 2:3.

To mainboard that do not have a choice like this, overclock AGP bus will overclock overall system. With a choice of 1:2 and 2:3, you can overclock Your AGP bus, it's just extreme. As an illustration for a system with a FSB registration 133 MHz, the multiplier that is used by default is 1:2 so the bus is 66MHz AGP.

When the multiplier manually changed to 2:3 then the AGP bus will have a clock of 88.67 MHz. Depending graphics card is used, this configuration may be well received, although it can also stability be disturbed or even the system will not lit at all. One thing to remember
is, a configuration like this can damage your graphics card permanently. The risk of overclocking techniques This is great, so you should not try it unless you really know that
Your graphics card can accept AGP clock configuration like this.

- RivaTuner
- Ati Tool

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