
Overclock Testing


Testing was conducted in two stages. if your computer has to follow all the steps and ready to overclock test.
The first phase, testing of processor power and other components. If all components pass the Power On Self Test (POST) and not experiencing hangs after switched on for 2 hours, for example, run the test again with some kinds of applications.

More and more applications use resource, the better then, measuring
ability to use benchmarking software. Frequently used usually SISOFT Sandra, 3D mark 2001 / 2003, SysMark 2000/2001/2002, and the prime 95. If test is successful, CONGRATULATIONS! You've managed to overclock. If you are a creative and courageous, you can try another configuration for determine the most optimal configuration.

3D Mark 2001 benchmark on 1024x768 16-bit settings, in principle, to test the resilience of the processor.

To test performance input / output system, is used test Sysmark 2002, which will run applications MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe, and Corel.
Testing stability of 3D demos done by Mark 2001 1280 x1024 32 bit for 1 hour.
Note score, compared with the score before the overclock.

To test the stability, the computer you overclock results should be tested using software Prime95, a popular freeware among overclockers to test stability of the processor.
This software do complex mathematical calculations, so the optimal use of the processor until 100%.

The difference with software Other benchmarks such as 3DMark 2001, if processor failure, Prime95 will automatically fail.
While in 3D Mark 2001, software to run, but there spots defects in appearance. Indeed, in
among overclockers, Prime95 is a standard success.

www.bapco.com (Sysmark 2000 /2001 /2002)
www futuremark.com (3DMark 2001/2003)
www.idsoftware.com (Quake III Arena)
www.guru3d.com (Site give new driver & Tool overclocking VGA Card)
http://mersenne.org (Prime 95)

Download Here
Sisoft Sandra
3D Mark 2001
PC Mark 2004

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