
Create related posts on blogger

related posts on-blogger
Previously we have to start with an introduction. What is a "Related Posts"? Related Post are some articles appeared which essentially is related to the article being read by the readers of your blog or website.

For example, an article you read was "How to Add Related Posts on Blogspot", then it will be listed on a related post a few articles related to the article on a related post we are discussing this, examples of articles relating to the "How to Install Headline News On blogspot ".

Create related posts are encouraged to web / blog because it can facilitate the visitor find the relevant article.

In google guidline also recommended place related posts or any other links that are highly  posted on the web / blog.

1. Log in to your blogger account.
2. On the dashboard, select Design - Edit HTML tick Expand Widget Templates.
3. Do not forget to backup your template (Download full template).
4. Then check the check box Expand Widget Templates
5. Then find the following code: </head>
6. Then paste the following code below to above the red code:
<script type='text/javascript'>


var relatedTitles = new Array();

var relatedTitlesNum = 0;

var relatedUrls = new Array();

function related_results_labels(json) {

for (var i = 0; i < json.feed.entry.length; i++) {

var entry = json.feed.entry[i];

relatedTitles[relatedTitlesNum] = entry.title.$t;

for (var k = 0; k < entry.link.length; k++) {

if (entry.link[k].rel == 'alternate') {

relatedUrls[relatedTitlesNum] = entry.link[k].href;







function removeRelatedDuplicates() {

var tmp = new Array(0);

var tmp2 = new Array(0);

for(var i = 0; i < relatedUrls.length; i++) {

if(!contains(tmp, relatedUrls[i])) {

tmp.length += 1;

tmp[tmp.length - 1] = relatedUrls[i];

tmp2.length += 1;

tmp2[tmp2.length - 1] = relatedTitles[i];



relatedTitles = tmp2;

relatedUrls = tmp;


function contains(a, e) {

for(var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if (a[j]==e) return true;

return false;


function printRelatedLabels() {

var r = Math.floor((relatedTitles.length - 1) * Math.random());

var i = 0;


while (i < relatedTitles.length && i < 20) {

document.write('<li><a href="' + relatedUrls[r] + '">' + relatedTitles[r] + '</a></li>');

if (r < relatedTitles.length - 1) {


} else {

r = 0;








7. Then find the following code: <data:post.body/>
8. Copy paste this code to below <data:post.body/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div id='related-posts'>
<h2>Related Posts on <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><data:label.name/><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>,</b:if><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + data:label.name + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels&amp;max-results=4&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop> </h2>

<script type='text/javascript'> removeRelatedDuplicates(); printRelatedLabels(); </script>

Note : The red code max-results=4 the number of related posts we want to show, and can be changed according to what we want.
9. Save template.

Good luck..
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Create multi Tab View on blogger

Multi tabview it is very useful, because with the relatively small size of the box but can contain a lot of content. Actually always wanted to post about it, but because of who her partner was way harder so I can not explain. Then finally I found a new method of manufacture.
multi tabview has three tabs, each of which has different content in accordance with our course content.

Tab view it for example like this:
multi tab view with code example

Here's how to create menu tabs that view

1. Log in to blogger, go to "Layout -> Edit HTML"
2. Then find this code ]]></b:skin>
3. Then enter the following code before ]]></b:skin> tag or into the CSS.
div.TabView div.Tabs
height: 24px;
overflow: hidden;
div.TabView div.Tabs a
float: left;
display: block;
width: 90px; /* Main menu top width */
text-align: center;
height: 24px; /* Main menu top height  */
padding-top: 3px;
vertical-align: middle;
border: 1px solid #000; /* main menu border top */
border-bottom-width: 0;
text-decoration: none;
font-family: "Times New Roman", Serif; /* Main Menu Top Fonts */
font-weight: 900;
color: #000; /* Main Menu Font Color */
div.TabView div.Tabs a:hover, div.TabView div.Tabs a.Active
background-color: #FF9900; /* main menu top background color */
div.TabView div.Pages
clear: both;
border: 1px solid #6E6E6E; /* border color main box */
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #FF9900; /* background color main box */
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page
height: 100%;
padding: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page div.Pad
padding: 3px 5px;

4. The red text, it is testimony to the settings Tab View. There are sizes, colors, etc..
5. Next step is to attach the following code before the code.
<script src='http://http://corderdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/tabview.js' type='text/javascript'/>
6. Then save
7. Then go to the "Page Elements"
8. Then choose "Add a Gadget" -> "HTML / Javascript" in place that will be in place this Menu View Tab.
9. This is the script that must ye pairs copy and paste to new "HTML/Javascript" on sidebar or whatever you want:
<form action="tabview.html" method="get">
<div class="TabView" id="TabView">
<div class="Tabs" style="width: 350px;">
<a>Tab 1</a>
<a>Tab 2</a>
<a>Tab 3</a>
<div class="Pages" style="width: 350px; height: 250px;">

<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 1.1 <br />
Tab 1.2 <br />
Tab 1.3 <br />

<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 2.1 <br />
Tab 2.2 <br />
Tab 2.3 <br />

<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 3.1 <br />
Tab 3.2 <br />
Tab 3.3 <br />


<script type="text/javascript">
10. Finally save your new "HTML/Javascript" see the result.
sources http://trik-tips.blogspot.com/2008/07/cara-membuat-menu-tab-view_31.html
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Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4.00 Rev 15202 (x86/x64) full Crack

Nik Software Color Efex Pro filters are the leading photographic filters for digital photography. The award-winning Color Efex Pro filters are widely used by many of today's professional photographers around the world to save time and get professional level results. Whether you choose the Complete Edition, Select, or Standard Edition, you get traditional and stylizing filters that offer virtually endless possibilities to enhance and transform images quickly and easily.
Patented U Point technology provides the ultimate control to selectively apply enhancements without the need for any complicated masks, layers or selections. Control color, light and tonality in your images and create unique enhancements with professional results. With 52 filters and over 250 effects found in Color Efex Pro you can perform high quality retouching, color correction and endless creative enhancements to your photographs.
Updates to old favorites such as Classical Soft Focus, Darken/Lighten Center, and Vignette filters are joined by exciting new filters Bleach Bypass, Cross Balance, Film Effects, Film Grain, Glamour Glow, High Key, Low Key, Polaroid Transfer, and Tonal Enhancer, and more. The result is nothing less than the most complete, most useful collection of photographic filters you can add to your toolkit.

Included filters:
Brilliance/Warmth, Burnt Sienna, Color Stylizer, Contrast Only Detail Stylizer, Graduated Filters, Ink, Old Photo, Pastel, Polarization, Remove Color Cast, Saturation Stylizer, Skylight Filter, Solarization, Sunshine, B/W Conversion, Bi-Color Filters, Bi-Color User Defined, Bleach Bypass *, Classical Soft Focus Colorize, Contrast Color Range, Darken/Lighten Center, Film Grain *, Flux, Graduated Neutral Density, Graduated User Defined, Infrared Thermal Camera, Midnight, Monday Morning, Paper Toner, Photo Stylizer, Vignette, Vignette Blur, White Neutralizer, Cross Balance *, Cross Processing, Duplex, Dynamic Skin Softener, Film Effects *, Fog, Foliage, Glamour Glow *, Graduated Fog, High Key *, Indian Summer, Infrared Film, Low Key *, Polaroid Transfer *, Pro , Contrast, Reflector Effects, Tonal Contrast *.

Download :
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Awpersoft Ez Video Studio full Keygen

Awpersoft Ez Video Studio - A Handy Video Editor to cut, join or convert videos (2D to 3D videos).
Supported Video formats for CUT and JOIN as followings: asf, avi, flv, m2ts, m4v, mp4, mkv, mov, mpg, mpeg, wmv, webm, vob. Video conversions will support all popular video formats.
The Cutting tool can perform cutting video clips to the exact Start and End setting positions most of the time. The included DUAL video viewers would make setting for start and end positions/times extremely easy.
The program can Join as many as video clips as you like given that they all have same video and audio formats (sometimes it can join asf, wmv, mpg, mpeg movie clips regardless of video and audio formats).
The Video Converting tool is to help converting your favorite 2 Dimensional videos, movies to 3 Dimensional Videos.
It is required to have 3D Glasses (Red/Cyan anaglyph as default) to view the output Videos.
Output 3D Glasses options include: Red/Cyan, Green/Magenta, Yellow/Blue, 3D Vision Side-by-Side and Top/Bottom Glasses; Shutter Glasses Interlaced and Flipping Modes.
There is a Device Pre-Set Option that you could choose to quickly convert your favorite video clips to use with Smart-Phones or Tablets.
Extracting Audio (save as: .aac, m4a, mp3, ogg, wma, wav) from a Video clip is also available.

New Features: 
Video Equalizer supports full Color Controls readily available for 2D to 2D and 2D to 3D Video conversions. Some video filters (Denoise, Deblock, Deinterlace and Antialiasing) are also included.
The two new tools Video Enhancer and Video Enlarger can come handy to beef up some of your low quality and low resolution Videos.
Motion Flow Video processing is also available to deliver spectacularly very smooth, very fluid and very High Definition like playback videos. With this tool, you can also create Slow Motion or Time Warp Videos (up to 1000fps) without the need of using a High Speed Camera.

System Requirements: At least Dual Cores CPU, 1GB of RAM or greater with High-end Video Cards. Plenty of Hard Drive storage space.

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Revo Uninstaller Pro 2.5.5 full Patch

Revo Uninstaller Pro helps you to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs installed on your computer easily! Even if you have problems uninstalling and cannot uninstall them from "Windows Add or Remove Programs" control panel applet.

Main features of Revo Uninstaller :
The Uninstaller tool lists the installed programs and components for all and current user. With a choice of views, as well as a context menu, information on program components is available: program properties, their registry entries and links to manufacturer's web site, for a start. The "Search" option finds installed applications just by typing the first few letters of their name. Revo Uninstaller scans before and after an uninstallation to find all files, folders and registry keys left behind by the program's uninstaller. The primary feature of Revo Uninstaller is Hunter Mode.

Forced Uninstall
Revo Uninstaller Pro has a very powerful feature called Forced Uninstall. This feature allows you to remove leftovers of programs that are already uninstalled, incomplete installations and uninstall remnants of programs! It does not matter if the program, you want to remove, is not listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro or in Windows Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet. Forced Uninstall gives power to the user but still keeps the safety and the accuracy of the results.

Real-Time Installation Monitor
Revo Uninstaller Pro has a feature that allows monitoring of installation of a program and detects system changes during that installation. The process is done in real time – simultaneously!
This feature is very powerful because by monitoring system changes during the installation, we eliminate all the scanning algorithms when we need to uninstall that program and nevertheless we can still use these algorithms but in another feature called Forced Uninstall.

Multi-Level Backup System
Revo Uninstaller Pro creates backups of removed registry keys, values, files and folders. Backup Manager is the main part of that system. It helps you to manage backup information stored by Revo Uninstaller Pro after deletion registry entries, files and folders.

The other levels of the backup system are
- Creating system restore point before each uninstall
- Full Registry backup before each uninstall
- Full Registry backup once each day Revo Uninstaller Pro is started

Hunter Mode
This is a special, innovative feature of Revo uninstaller which indeed has two sub modes – Hunter mode and Drag and drop mode. These modes are giving you a flexibility to uninstall applications with one click (stop or delete) by simply dragging and dropping program icons to the Hunter icon or selecting their icon with the mouse cursor, whether it's on the desktop, quick launch toolbar, in the system tray or the program's window is open.

Junk Files Cleaner
Junk Files Cleaner allows you to find and remove various types of junk and unnecessary files from your computer. Junk files are created by many of the Windows applications. Normally, such files are deleted by the application that created them as soon as they do not need them, but they may remain permanently on your hard drive if there is an unexpected termination of the parent application, a system crash, etc. Cleaning junk temporary files will free a lot of hard disk space.

Windows Tools
There are a lot of handy and useful tools and components bundled with every Windows operating system. Unfortunately, some have complex command line options and others are just plain difficult to access. The Revo Uninstaller feature Windows Tools gives fast, one-click access to more than ten Windows utilities used in daily PC management. Available tools are: System Restore, Network Diagnostics, Network Information, Security Center, System Properties, System Information, TCP/IP Netstat Command, On-Screen Keyboard, Disk Defragmenter, Services, Shared Folders, Group Policy.

Autorun Manager
Auto Run Manager allows you to manage programs which load automatically at Windows startup.With this tool you can not only enable or disable applications from auto starting at Windows startup, but you can also get more detailed information about them, e.g. the program’s publisher, description, launch path (where it is saved on your computer), status of the application (if it’s running or not) and more. Stopping programs from automatically starting will increase the speed of loading your Windows.

Browsers Cleaner
Your browser records detailed record of every web site you’ve ever visited. It’s easily accessible from your browser window and by simply pressing a button, anyone can see where you’ve been browsing on the web! Revo Uninstaller erases web site history of web browsers including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera. With Browsers Cleaner you can also delete temporary internet files which include all the images you’ve viewed, all the online videos you’ve watched and all the web pages you’ve visited. Deleting temporary internet files will free up a lot of valuable hard disk space on your computer.

MS Office Cleaner
MS Office Cleaner allows you to remove history of most recently used files in MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Front Page. If you do not want somebody else to see your last opened or edited spreadsheets, documents or other files created using MS Office just select those you do not want and click Clear.Your most recently used files will no more be listed.

Windows Cleaner
Microsoft Windows keeps tracks of many things that you do with your computer like file search history when you search for file and folders; recently opened document history; open/save history used in standard open/save dialogs from different applications installed on your computer; start menu clicks history; last opened registry key history and more.

Evidence Remover
Deleting your files and folders does not mean that they are gone forever. When you empty Windows Recycle Bin your files and folders are just marked as deleted but they are not erased physically. There is a chance to recover deleted data from 10 years or older PC and this data may be very important and confidential. With any recovery tool or un-delete program you can easily get back your important documents and other files that you have deleted. And here comes Evidence Remove tool of Revo Uninstaller.

Unrecoverable Delete
If you want securely delete file or folder and want to be sure that no body with any tool could recover these files or folders use Unrecoverable Delete. Deleting files and emptying Windows Recycle Bin does not mean that these files are gone forever. They are still on your Hard Disk Drive or other storage but marked as deleted. Any body with a tool available free or commercial could recover deleted data very easily. Unrecoverable Delete tool of Revo Uninstaller tool makes it impossible to recover your deleted data - even with the most advanced and expensive tools on the market.

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Google occupy position 8th in Largest Social Network

Since a few days ago, Google+ is accessible to the public need not wait invited to join. This experience led to Google + 15 million visits in its first week of opening. As a result, Google+ become social networking the 8th largest according to research from analyst web, Hitwise.

Of course this is a very phenomenal because of previous Google + was in 54th position of all internet sites visited. Number 15 million visits were taken Hitwise based on visits in the computer just does not include other media.

Reporting from PC World, the first position occupied by Facebook (1.7 billion), YouTube (530 million), and Twitter (33 million) within 1 week.

source : http://id.berita.yahoo.com/
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ACDSee Pro 5.0 Build 110 full Patch

Discover ACDSee Pro Photo Manager, the most powerful software platform for viewing, processing, editing, organizing and publishing your photos. ACDSee Pro is a single platform where professional photographers view, process, edit, organize, catalog, publish and archive their growing digital photo collections. With the flexibility and control offered by ACDSee Pro 4, you can manage your images the way that works best for you. No need to adapt your workflow to fit the cookie-cutter cataloging imposed by other photo applications. ACDSee Pro is built to help you save time in all the key steps of your workflow. Each of the four modes - Manage, View, Process, Online – groups the tools that you commonly use during that particular step of your workflow. ACDSee Pro empowers you to view, process, edit, organize, catalog, publish, and archive your photo collections with precision and control. View your RAW images with lightning-fast image previews and support for most RAW formats from DSLR cameras. Get support for IPTC core fields with XMP. Shift time stamps on multiple images at once. Compare up to four images side by side.

Photo Developing :
Smarter Sharpening
A new user-controlled edge detection mask slider lets you focus the sharpening effect more to edges and textures than non-textured areas.

Take your photos to the edge in either Develop or Edit mode using split-toning to create sepia or tinted black & white, Or add a tinted color to highlights and another to shadows to create a dramatic toning effect.

Photo Editing :
Dodge and Burn
Target shadows, midtones or highlights for lightening or darkening with the Dodge and Burn tool, or selectively add vibrance, saturate or desaturate areas of interest.

Drawing Tools
Put your photos to work for you using drawing tools to add lines and shapes such as squares, circles and arrows to draw attention to certain elements in your image. You can also adjust the width, feathering and blending of your brush to create subtle or dramatic drawing effects.

Special Effects
Special Effects Apply and fine-tune a range of pre-set effects quickly and easily with the Special Effects palette, now including:

Lomo Effect
Apply the popular Lomo effect to give an edgy, retro feel to your photos.

Collage Effect
Creatively display your photo in a collage of prints.

Orton Effect
Give an ethereal, pastel-like touch to your portraits and landscapes.

Workflow :
Color Labels
Use color labels to quickly identify groups within a large number of photos for processing. As your review your photos, quickly mark ones for different stages of your workflow. For example, assign files to color labels you have named such as upload, print, reject, develop or edit and then click a color label in the Organize pane to quickly display all of the files assigned to that label. Or use them in combination with the Group by, or Filter By features to refine your list. Color labels, like tagging, categories and ratings, are a way to set aside, organize, and group your photos without moving them into different folders.

Batch Export Tool
Save a group of photos to your specifications faster than ever with the updated ACDSee Pro 5 Batch Export tool. The batch export tool allows you to easily create presets for exporting easily exporting groups of files to specified folders, file names, formats, color spaces and dimensions.

Remove Metadata
Use the Remove Metadata tool to keep your proprietary information private by stripping EXIF and IPTC metadata to protect the details of your locations, camera settings and equipment choices.

Download :
ACDSee Pro 5.0 Build 110 full Patch(58,53MB)
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Download Free Gom Player

 License / Price : Freeware  Size: 8.7 Mb

GOM Player is a free Multimedia player with popular video and audio codecs built-in. GOM Player supports file formats such as AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, XviD, WMV, ASF. Users don't have to install codecs separately. GOM Player is capable of playing incomplete or damaged AVI files by skipping the damaged frames. It can also play locked or partially downloaded files. Its other features include drag-and-drop support, HTTP streaming, editable skins, subtitling, overlay mixer, key remapping, enhanced filter rendering, real-time index rebuilding for AVI files and unicode support among others.

 Features : 

The following changes have been implemented in this update:
  • Changed the background image that is displayed when playing audio files.
  • Added the ability to select 3D Subtitle Mode.
  • Added the ability to change filters for playing TS files.
  • Improved the internal MP4 source filter for MOV playback.
  • Improved the internal MKV source filter.
  • Fixed a bug that caused playback errors with full screen mode when using the "default" skin.
  • Added the ability to select whether or not

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New Blogger Template Designer with dynamic view

Just log in to my blogger account, there is a notification from blogger and there a new template designer. after I check the latest wow Blogger Template Designer is very beautiful, so make me have fun going to this template, the Blogger Template Designer with dynamic view is a variety of its forms and design.

With a dynamic new template does not seem to view these visitors will feel bored when visiting our blog.
to start might be the bloggers already knew it.
1. log in to your aakun bloggers.
2. Then click the Design button and click designer template.


And we can change the colors and layout of the template blogger in accordance with we want.

These are some features that are available in designer blogger.
1. Templates
2. background
3. layout
4. Advanced

And the dynamic view of this we can also choose the design that we want, the following selection of bloggers dynamic view:

1. Classic
2. Flipcard
3. Magazine
4. Mosaic
5. sidebar
6. snapshot
7. Timeslide

Once you change or modification please click the Apply To Blog section top right corner and see the results.
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All Office Converter Platinum 6.5 full Serial

All Office Converter Platinum is an easy-to-use and professional document conversion tool. It can support batch converting documents, web and images with high good quality for business and individual to improve the work efficiency. With this powerful converter, you can create PDF file from versatile formats and convert PDF file to other versatile formats with super output quality and effectively. More, you can convert between different office document formats, web, images. It can support comprehensive formats:Word(doc, docm, docx), Excel(xls .xlsx. xlsm),PowerPoint(ppt, pptc, pptm), PDF,XLS,RTF,TXT,HTM/HTML, Website,JPG,BMP, GIF,TIF,WMF,EMF,TGA, RLE,PNG etc.

Advance Features:
• Provide the customized Command Line service for server/developer.
• It can simultaneously convert different formats to one certain format once.
• It can convert the webpage on the website or your computer.
• Easy to use. Convert with one click.
• More setting options to let you control the output file more accurately.
• Save the imported file list.
• Support encrypted PDF.
• Create PDF and Image with high good quality.
• Open *.HTM or URL as the following framework to convert.

Support Formats:
• Batch Convert Word(doc,docm,docx), Excel(xls.xlsx.xlsm), PowerPoint(ppt,pptc,pptm), RTF,TXT, HTM, HTML ,Website, JPG, BMP,GIF, TIF, WMF, EMF to PDF(as default format, as image format,
as text format).
• Batch Convert Word(doc,docm,docx) to PDF (as default format, as image format, as text format),XLS,TXT,HTM,JPG,BMP,GIF,TIF,TGA,RLE,PNG,EMF,WMF.
• Batch Convert PDF, Excel(xls.xlsx.xlsm),TXT,HTM,HTML,JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, EMF, WMF to DOC.
• Batch Convert PowerPoint(ppt,pptc,pptm) to JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, RLE, PNG, EMF, WMF, DOC, XLS, RTF, TXT, PDF(as default format,as image format, as text format).
• Batch Convert HTM ,HTML, Website to DOC, PDF(as default format, as image format, as text format),TXT, RTF, XLS, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, RLE, PNG, EMF, WMF.

Download :
All Office Converter Platinum 6.5 full Serial(9,31MB)
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SUPERAntiSpyware Professional 5.0.1128 final keygen serial crack

SUPERAntiSpyware is the most thorough scanner on the market. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning and Process Interrogation Technology will detect spyware that other products miss! SUPERAntiSpyware will remove ALL the Spyware, NOT just the easy ones! SUPERAntiSpyware features our unique Process Interrogation Technology (PIT) that allows threats to be detected no matter where they are hiding on your system. Many new types of threats utilize "Rootkits" or "Kernel Drivers" to hide themselves to avoid detection by standard anti-spyware applications. SUPERAntiSpyware's Process Interrogation Technology locates even the toughest of threats. SUPERAntiSpyware is a next generation scanning system that goes beyond the typical rules based scanning methods. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning system detects existing threats as well as threats of the future by analyzing threat characteristics in addition to code patterns.
SUPERAntiSpyware is the most thorough scanner on the market. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning and Process Interrogation Technology will detect spyware other products miss. Easily remove pests such as WinFixer, SpyAxe, SpyFalcon, and thousands more. SUPERAntiSpyware will detect and remove thousands of Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, KeyLoggers, Dialers, Hi-Jackers, and Worms. SUPERAntiSpyware features many unique and powerful technologies and removes spyware threats that other applications fail to remove.

Download :
SUPERAntiSpyware Professional 5.0.1128 final keygen serial crack(11,55MB)
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Zemana AntiLogger full keygen

Anti-Logger, developed to thwarts attacks from various kinds of malware threats, proactively protects your "Information Security" without needing a signature-based algorithm by using powerful anti-action methods. Anti-Logger prevents attacks from all known forms of malware which are designed to perform information theft. Anti-Logger uses a proactive and unique way to detect potentially harmful applications which have not already been recognized or identified by anti-virus programs. Consequently, it protects your "Information Security" from a wide range of threats. Anti-Logger employs a brand new and powerful protection method against unknown malwares which cannot be caught by well-known and very commonly used security software. To examine closely the superior power of Anti-Logger, and to test the various protection modules, or to understand how your security software protects your system, visit"simulation test program" pages.

Key Features:
- SSL Logger Protection
Prevents theft of data exchanged via secure connections (HTTPS/SSL)
- Key Logger Protection
Prevents all harmful applications from logging your keystrokes(thereby stealing your passwords and account info)
- Screen Logger Protection
Prevents harmful applications from capturing your computer screen.
- WebCam Logger Protection
Prevents any harmful applications from monitoring your Web Camera.
- ClipBoard Logger Protection
Prevents harmful applications from taking snapshots of your clipboard.
- System Defense
Tracks down Windows operating system activity in real-time to prevent detrimental actions from various malware and spyware programs.

Download :
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Platinum Hide IP full crack

Use Platinum Hide IP to keep your real IP address hidden, surf anonymously, secure all the protocols on your PC, provide full encryption of your activity while working in Internet, and much more, all with the click of a button without any configuration. With Platinum Hide IP, you can surf anonymously, send anonymous emails through any web based mail system, access blocked websites or forums, protects you from any website that wants to monitor your reading interests and spy upon you through your unique IP address, etc. Your identity is secure, protected, and anonymized. With it, you decide the IP location such as United States, United Kingdom, France, etc. by selecting a country from the Choose IP Country window. Platinum Hide IP works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, MyIE and is compatible with all types of routers, firewalls, home networks, wireless networks and any other kind of Internet.

Key Features :
Anonymize Your Web Surfing
Your real IP is hidden when you surf on the Internet, keeping your online activity from being tracked by others.
Protect Your Identity
Anonymous web surfing enables you to prevent identity thieves from stealing your identity or other personal information, and keep your computer safe from hacker attacks or other risks.
Choose IP Country and Check IP
Proxy lists of many countries are enabled and you decide to select one country from the Choose IP Country window. You can check the current IP address directly.
Send Anonymous Emails
Send anonymous emails through any web based mail system such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc.
Get Unbanned from Forums and Blocked Websites
Change your IP address and then you can get unbanned yourself from any forums or other blocked websites that have ever banned you from.

Download :
Platinum Hide IP full crack(5,85MB)
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Download Athan Adzan Times For Mobile Phone

 License / Price : Freeware  Size: 1.6 Mb
Azan Times for worldwide Prayers for Mobile Phone (Cell Phones, Windows Mobile, Pocket Pc, Symbian OS, Blackberry) is used to listen Azan (Athan, Adhan, Azaan) automatically on every prayer time (Namaz, Salat) five times a day on the mobile phone. Developed by SearchTruth website. More than 5 Million Downloads all over the world.

  • Most Accurate Prayer Times for more than 25,000 Cities and villages in 252 countries and islands worldwide
  • Automatic Azan on every prayer time
  • Qiblah Direction
  • Islamic Hijri Date
  • Fully customized to add any city
  • Multiple Beautiful Azan Sounds
  • Minutes Adjustments to make it 100% accurate with your local Masjid prayer times
  • Minimize feature to run at the background
  • Automatic Launch feature on every prayer time
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Change the date with a calendar icon on blogger

Maybe this post is extremely too long in utorial in blogger but I want to share for those who do not know how, and fill the post today so I could make a post. actually I was still learning. how to change the date with a calendar icon on blogger very easy and fiddling with the template I finally managed to make it.

The first thing we do is change the date settings, do as usual Login first to the bloggers continue to select Settings -> Formatting, replace "date header format" or "date format to be (mm.dd.yyyy) who are beginners must have confused the point right? that you know next to the words "date header format" there's a box that shows the date, trus you click and select the format month. date. year 13.01.2008 example, continue to save

The second step menu select Layout -> Edit HTML. Then check the Expand Widget Templates box, do not forget the back-up your template first. Who do not know how to back-template please see the first article. already? if already let's get started into it.

1. Find this code <TITLE><data:blog.pageTitle/></TITLE> (where the top) if you have found this place the following script exactly underneath.
<SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>
/* http://trik-tips.blogspot.com */
function date_replace(date) {
var da = date.split('.');
var day = da[1], mon = da[0], year = da[2];
var month =
document.write("<div class='month'>"+month[mon]+"</div> <div class='day'>"+day+"</div>");

2. When it's done first and then find this code:
.date-header {
margin: 1.5em 0 0;
font-weight: normal;
color: $dateHeaderColor;
font-size: 100%;

If the code is sought in No. 2 above is not there try to find that this code:
h2.date-header {
margin:1.5em 0 .5em;

3. If you have found place the following script below :
.dateblock {
background: url("http://kendhin.890m.com/kalender/bluecalend.gif")
width: 55px;
margin: 0;
font-weight: bold;
height: 50px;
/*position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;*/
float: left;
text-align: center;

.month {
font-size: 11px;
width: 37px;
margin: 0 5px;
text-transform: uppercase;
color: #fff;

.day {
font-size: 19px;
width: 37px;
margin: 0 5px;


code http://kendhin.890m.com/kalender/bluecalend.gif
is the image of the calendar icon. you can replace it with the pictures below do I need to replace the bold with the following image code, for example you want to calendar the red, did you replace the text with redcalend.gif luecalend.gif.

blackcalend.gif blue2calend.gif bluecalend.gif

greencalend.gif orangecalend.gif pinkcalend.gif

redcalend.gif ungucalend.gif yellowcalend.gif

Then the code color: # 3366CC; are color coded
date, you can replace it with another color. You can see the color kode2 HERE.

4. The next step is you find this code
<data:post.dateHeader/>, the way I'll find it easy to copy the code,
continue to press Ctrl-f and paste in the box provided, directly nha
See it. if already met replace the code with this script.

<DIV class='dateblock'>

5. Save your template and see the results.
If such writings month and the date is too up try adding this code padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px; under the code. {Month and also under the code. Day {

NB: If date is changed to the words "undefine" it's certainly you do not pay attention to this tutorial from scratch. Take a look at this tutorial from scratch again and read the instructions carefully.
source : http://trik-tips.blogspot.com/2008/01/mengganti-tanggal-icon-calender.html
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Change Post comment link to comment box in blogger

Comment box that appears directly under the posts. If it had just a link "Post a Comment", and there is also a blogger template that was just a post comment link, and sometimes post comments  link can not open,  different from new bloggers, who is now a direct commentary box appears just below the post (such as the comments box below). With the comment box like this, I would be willing to replace the old comment box with new comment box. Although the comment box is still in draft but can be enjoyed.

Here how to make a blogger comment box under the posts, which is not a comment link.

1. Log in to http://blogger.com.
2. Then to the menu Settings -> Comments. Then replace the "Comment Form Placement" to "Embedded below post" this setting for old blogger
3. Then click "Save Settings"

Now let you see your blog and try to click on one of your posting then see the result, whether there was a box under the post or reply comments yet. when it means the pace is quite here. If you do not follow these steps.
(this is because the HTML code different template. For the default template of a new blogger, has changed their HTML code, while the long-or grab a template from the outside there who have not and some who have).

4. Next go to "Layout -> Edit HTML"
5. Put a check box "Expand widget templates".
6. Then find the following code:
<p class='comment-footer'>
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'>
7. Then replace the code with the code below:
<p class='comment-footer'>
<b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'>
<b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>
<b:else/> <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'>
</b:if> </b:if> </p> </b:if>
8. Then save your template.

See result, try  click one of your posts, then it will appear underneath the comment box.
sources http://trik-tips.blogspot.com/2008/07/membuat-kotak-komentar-blogger-di-bawah.html
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