
The difference between a Mac computer and a Pc Computer

Many people often wonder about the Mac computer and PC computer, Differences,comparison and similarities between a Mac computer and a Pc Computer. In this article tries to explain the differences between them with language that is easy to understand.

PC stands for Personal Computer (personal computer)
Mac is short for Macintosh, the computer produced by Apple. Actually Mac is also a PC that sets it apart is the Mac OS.
OS is Operating System (operating system). OS is a programming language for the user able to interact with computers, as we use computers.

Operating Systems
Most PCs are running under the windows operating system like Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista and also the latest windows 7 (seven). However, some computers have a linux-based operating systems (eg Ubuntu, RedHat, Mandrake, etc.). Mac runs on Mac OS (eg Mac OS X "Snow Leopard").

Windows and Mac have their own software. In other words we can not easily install windows software / application for the mac and neither does the opposite, for example, FinalCut for Mac, Miscrosoft Office for the PC. But there are some exceptions, there are several software developed either for Mac or Windows PC such as Adobe Photoshop.

Mac is far more expensive than PCs. Price visits per-period.

Why mac is better than a PC:

1. Mac OS is more stable, this means that we will find fewer errors than on a PC.
2. Some people say that Mac also has the virus. YOI, some people say that Mac also has a few viruses, but compared to the PC that so many cracks to spread the virus. We can say that this statement is true.
3. Macs can run windows. In other words, even if already mentioned earlier that the Mac runs on Mac OS, but Macs can run PC under windows, but can not run under Mac OS, unless you are a geek (eg Hackintosh)
4. Apple is a Trend Setter. iPod, iPhone, iTouch, etc..
5. Apple is known to have good support.
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Windows 8 Ultimate Xtreme Edition x86

Akhirnya bisa berposting kembali, kali ini saya akan share Windows 8 Ultimate Xtreme Edition yang sudah di request oleh sobat doni. Windows 8 dibangun berdasarkan komponen Windows 7 Final. dengan demikian pasti cocok dengan berbagai jenis software Windows 7. pasti sudah banyak yang penasaran kan dengan Windows 8 ?? kalo begitu tanpa basa-basi kita langsung menuju TKP,,.

  • Windows 8 Xtreme does not have components removed from the Original Windows 7Pictures so you wont lose compatibly with software, hardware or loss of goods at all.
  • Windows 8 Xtreme Clean with Windows 7 Figure with the preparation of the besttweaks and new integrated display ... keep all the new features such as Superbar
  • Windows 8 Xtreme has been tested in a real machine with the compilation of more than 200 software ...
  • All the default applications that secretly installed before StartUp ..
Tweaks :
  • UAC Disabled
  • Take Ownership
  • Show File Extensions
  • Automatic Defragmentation by Diskeeper
  • Cmd New File for Right Click
  • Enabled Search System Folders in Search
  • ClearTypeWindows
  • Do Tell You Exactly What Is Doing When Shutting Down or Boot
  • Increasing Network Throughput
  • Many tweaks to IE8
  • Many tweaks to W7
Design :

  •  New Windows 7 Tema
  •  Tombol Baru Mulai
  •  3D kursor Baru
  •  Hd Wallpaper Baru
  •  Sistem Ikon Baru HD Terpadu Pada Sistem
  •  Account User Baru Foto
  •  New Windows Sounds Skema
  •  Screen Baru logon
Extra Toos Integrated In System :

  •  SPTD
Extras :
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Internet Download Manager 6.05 Build 10 + Key

Akhirnya bisa update diblog kesayangan ini, pada pagi hari ini saya akan share software yang dimana udah ga asing lagi bukan? ya kini Internet Download Manager telah merelease versi terbarunya yaitu Internet Download Manager 6.05 Build 10. penasaran dengan fitur terbarunya?? langsung aja kita menuju TKP,..

What’s new :
  • Made a workaround to resolve compatibility problems of IDM network drivers with antiviral software drivers which caused some sites to load slowly in browsers

Password : se-dot
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Add a META Description and META Keyword on Blogger

Its nothing wrong we try to use the meta keywords and meta descripsi to our blog, especially for users of blogger.com.
To optimize search results (SEO) on google.com, you can add a meta description and meta keywords on your blog / website using blogspot. This we did on our customer website striated-themed crafts. This website is using the domain name in a private facility in blogspot (custom domain name).

Prior to the Meta Keyword and Meta Description, inform me first about understanding metadata. Understanding Metadata is simply in my opinion is data about a data, whether text, photos / pictures, sounds. For example in a photo taken using the camera, will have the metadata in the form of image capture date, type of camera used, image size, speed shooting, etc.. To vote, has the form of metadata, singer name, album, song name, the order of songs (tracks), the type of song, etc.. This metadata can we see one of them through File Explorer, by right-clicking the file and choose Properties (select Summary> Advanced).

Likewise, the Meta Keyword and Meta Description, it also forms a second meta application / visualization of metadata. As the name implies, Meta keywords are keywords that represent the content of the website / blog, so Meta Keyword itself contains words or phrases, for example on a website / blog that contains a GSM mobile phone technology, then the keyword (keywords) which could represent, among others: GSM, mobile phone, 3G, 3.5G, GPRS, EDGE, Symbian, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, and so on. Meta Keyword itself can help increase traffic to your website / blog via search engines, for keywords that we make in the Meta Keyword is also one part that is indexed by search engines. The more precise we choose keywords, it will help in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

While the Meta Description itself is a short description (resume) from your website / blog, so Meta Description contains brief information about the website / blog.

Both these meta (Meta Keyword and Meta Description) mounted on the HEAD section of a website / blog. The format of the writing of Meta Keyword and Meta Description are as follows:

Here's how to enter a meta description and meta keywords on blogspot:
1. Log into Blogger
2. Click the Layout> Edit HTML
3. Back up your template as a precaution with a click downloading full template.
4. Check the box Expand Widget Templates.
5. Find the code below:
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content '/>
6. Under the above codes, put the new code as follows:
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='Write your Descrition' name='description'/>
<meta content='Enter your keywords (separated by commas)'

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + &quot;Write your description the same as your description above&quot;' name='description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + &quot;, Your Keyword the same as your keyword above&quot;' name='keywords'/>

7. Click the Save Template button.
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3D Analyze

Akhirnya bisa berposting kembali, kali ini saya akan share aplikasi yang pasti sudah banyak yang mengetahui kegunaan tool yang akan saya share sekarang. yang udah tahu kegunaan tool ini diem-diem aja ya. tool yang saya akan share sekarang bernama 3D Analyze3D analyze merupakan tool yang dapat mengingkatkan kinerja VGA komputer kita. jadi tool ini sangat cocok buat sobat blogger yang ingin bermain game dengan perfomance yang bagus tanpa harus mempunya komputer yang canggih. penasaran dengan tool ini??

Misalnya begini, sebelum menggunakan tool ini sobat blogger mempunya spesifikasi komputer sebagai berikut : 

Pentium 4 (2.4 GHz)
Onboard Graphics Card (Intel) with 64 MB graphics memory

Setelah sobat blogger menggunakan 3D Analyze maka akan menjadi :

Pentium 4 (2.4 Ghz)
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 Ultra with 128 MB graphics memory.

Sekarang udah pada ngerti kan?? okelah kalo gitu, mari kita lanjut,,,.

Cara menggunakan tool 3D Analyze sebagai berikut : 
  • Jalankan aplikasi 3D Analyze yang sudah sobat blogger download.
  • Cari file game yang akan sobat coba mainkan dengan meng-klik menu SELECT. Bila sudah klik Open.
  • Kemudian setting seperti gambar dibawah ini (yang saya beri tanda warna merah)

  • Bila sudah, jangan lupa klik save batch file (untuk menyimpan setting seperti ini)
  • Selesai
NB : Settingan di atas tidak mutlak dan wajib di ikuti, silhakan sobat blogger bereksperimen sendiri agar menemukan hasil yang lebih maksimal. Ok

Password : se-dot

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Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Beta

The Kaspersky Internet Security application was designed to be a all-in-one security solution that offers a worry-free computing environment for you and your family. Kaspersky Internet Security has everything you need for a safe and secure Internet experience.

NOTE: The beta version will run for 91 days unregistered.

Here are some key features of "Kaspersky Internet Security 2011":

Essential Protection:
· Protects from viruses, Trojans and worms
· Blocks spyware and adware
· Scans files in real time (on access) and on demand
· Scans email messages (regardless of email client)
· Scans Internet traffic (regardless of browser)
· Protects instant messengers (ICQ, MSN)
· Provides proactive protection from unknown threats
· Scans Java and Visual Basic scripts

license/price : Trial
Size             : 138 Mb

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Shollu v3.08.2

Sudahkah anda shalat hari ini? Shollu 3.08.2 Full merupakan tool yang berguna bagi umat muslimin dan muslimat untuk pengingat waktu shalat agar tidak lupa meninggalkan kewajibannya (Shalat),,,

Shollu adalah software Islam yang memiliki tujuan utama untuk memberi peringatan, pesan atau informasi kepada pengguna jika waktu sholat hampir tiba dalam beberapa menit atau sudah tiba.
Sebagaimana Allah telah mengatakan dalam Al-Quran, yang artinya adalah:
"Sesungguhnya shalat itu adalah kewajiban yang ditentukan waktunya atas orang-orang yang beriman" (Q.S An-Nisa: 103)

Berikut perubahan di versi 3.08 :
  • Doa setelah adzan (dua.mp3 dalam satu folder dengan shollu )
  • Tambahan file “Fix Sound.reg” untuk memperbaiki setting registry
  • Tambahan Hot Key menampilkan Shollu (default : Ctrl +Alt+F12 )
  • Perbaikan Bug dengan penggunaan CPU
  • Perbaikan instalasi untuk setting sound
  • Perbaikan dan tambahan kecil lainnya
Password : se-dot
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Win 7 Logon Changer

Sudah tahu aplikasi yang merubah tampilan logon pada Windows 7?? pembahasan ini saya akan share aplikasi sederhana yang berguna untuk mempercantik tampilan Windows 7 yaitu Windows 7 Logon Changer v.10

Bagaimana? hanya dengan beberapa tombol aja sobat bisa merubah tampilan logon menjadi lebih cantik,,

Win 7 Logon Changer v1.0 namun aplikasi tersebut hanya mendukung gambar berjenis JPG/JPEG jika tidak gambar tidak akan terdeteksi,,

NOTE : Hanya bekerja pada operasi Windows 7 (Seven)

Password : se-dot
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Police Simulator - Version 820 (2010)

Akhirnya bisa online kembali, pada pembahasan kali ini saya akan share game PC Police Simulator Version 820. dari judulnya saja pasti sobat blogger sudah bisa menebak dong kalo game ini tentang apa? 

Police Simulator merupakan sebuah game simulasi yang disana anda akan diajak mengelola sebuah kepolisian. seperti polisi pada umumnya kita akan disuruh membeli mobil, merekrut orang, dan sebagainya. dan anda juga dituntut selalu menjaga keamanan daerah sekitar jika terjadi tindak kejahatan.

 Features :
  • A blend of simulation and real-time strategy
  • Fight crime in a modern, realistic European city
  • Variety of buildings, such as Airport, Stadium and distinctive districts, such as industrial, financial, slums and suburbs
  • Spectacular missions such as “chase”, “riots”, “robbery” and much more
  • Day / night cycle which effects the behavior of the population (different traffic density and fluctuating crime rate)
  • Manage your staff, create operational plans and buy new equipment
  • Train your force to improving their skills
  • Extensive career mode with various levels of difficulty
  • Realistic sound design, police radio , sirends and background noise

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Free Download Skype Without Sign Up

license/price : Freeware , Size  : 21.99 Mb
Skype is software for calling other people on their computers or phones. Download Skype and start calling for free all over the world.The calls have excellent sound quality and are highly secure with end-to-end encryption. You don't even need to configure your firewall or router or any other networking gear.

Additionally it doesn't just work on Windows. Skype is also for Mac OS X, Linux and PDAs using Pocket PC, with a native look and feel for each platform. Talking, sending instant messages or even file transfers work between different platforms like a charm.
  • Skype calling - Skype has all the features of an ordinary phone so it's even easier to manage your calls.
  • Video calling - see who you are talking to at the same time as speaking to them.
  • Add Skype and SkypeOut contacts - Add contacts who use Skype and those who use ordinary phones so you can call more people.
  • Organising groups - group contacts under certain names and share them with your contacts so they can talk to them too.
  • Basic chat and emoticons - when it's not convenient to call, chat or Instant Message (IM) your contacts.
  • Group chat - for when it's easier to chat or Instant Message (IM) all your friends at once.
  • Profile settings - change how you appear to the world and let people know a bit about you.
  • Conference calling - talk to more than one friend at a time.
  • Import contacts - search your address book to find friends and family that already have a Skype name and start calling them for free.
  • View Outlook contacts - view and call your Microsoft Outlook® contacts quickly and directly from your Skype contact list.
  • Quickfilter and Speed-Dial - find Skype contacts, recent chats and SkypeOut contacts quickly and easily, then enter their Skype name to call them back quickly.

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Download OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 Build 9567

OpenOffice.org is a free, Open Source alternative to MS Office with a Word compatible word processor, a complete Excel compatible spread sheet program and a Power Point like presentation software and drawing program and also allows to save to PDF file.

Here are some key features of "OpenOffice.org":

OpenOffice.org Writer - The powerful word processor:
· The powerful word processor
· Wizards to produce standard documents such as letters, faxes, agendas, minutes.
· Styles and Formatting to put the power of style sheets into the hands of every user.
· AutoCorrect dictionary, which can check your spelling as you type.
· AutoComplete to make typing easy
· Text frames and linking for newsletters, flyers, etc..
· Table of contents, index for complex documents
· OpenDocument and MS-Word .doc format compatible

OpenOffice.org Impress - Impress your audience:
· Master Pages and Layouts simplify the task of preparing your materials.
· Complete range of Views are supported: Normall / Outlline / Slide Sorter / Notes / Handouts to meet all the needs of presenters and audiences.
· Easy-to-use drawing and diagramming tools to spice up your presentation.
· Slide show Animation and Effects to bring a presentation to life.
· Fontworks provides stunning 2D and 3D images from text.
· OpenDocument and MS-Powerpoint .ppt file format compatibility

OpenOffice.org Calc - The full-featured spreadsheet:
· Natural language formulas let you create formulas using words (e.g. "sales - costs").
· Hundreds of spreadsheet functions with built-in expert help
· Scenario Manager allows "what if ..." analysis at the touch of a button.
· Powerful graphics to extract the meaning from your numbers
· Pull in data from external databases with DataPilot technology
· OpenDocument and MS-Excel .xls file format compatibility

license/price : Freeware
size             : 150 Mb
Download Now

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Download Avast! 6.0.1000

avast! Free Antivirus represents the best free antivirus protection currently available on the market. This edition is FREE OF CHARGE for non-commercial & home use. Its features include:
  • Anti-spyware built-in
  • Web Shield
  • Anti-rootkit built-in
  • Automatic updates
  • Strong self-protection
  • Virus Chest
  • Antivirus kernel
  • System integration
  • Simple User Interface
  • Integrated Virus Cleaner
  • Resident protection
  • Support for 64-bit Windows
  • P2P and IM Shields
  • Internationalization
  • Network Shield 

license/price : Freeware
size             : 59.65 Mb

Old Version:
Download Free Antivirus Avast 5.1.864
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    The newest version of Opera Mini and Opera Mobile

    After a long period does not spawn tergress version of Opera Mini and Mobile, today (03/22/2011) Opera released an update tebarunya namely Opera Mini Opera Mobile 6 and 11. Is there something new?

    The first will discuss in advance about Opera Mini 6. But apparently there is nothing really new on offer. Most newer only share design changes and additions to social networking. Here are its features:

    opera mini new

    • Design and New skin.
    • Feature sharing to social networking.
    • Improved performance of zoom in a touch screen mobile phone.
    • Supports tablets.
    • Opens a link to the background tab.
    • Improved fonts for the better, especially Arabic and Thai fonts.

    To download please go m.opera.com from your cell phone or opera.com / mobile / download / pc from computer. If you want to know more about the changes in Opera Mini 6 in tiap2 platform can be seen in the Opera Mini Forum.

    So it was just more to repair than new features. a little different than the previous version
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    Growth of Tablet PCs threaten Smartphone and Netbook

    Frost & Sullivan, predicts the tablet PC market will be one of the major market trend of information technology (IT) in the next few years. In his research company Business Growth Partners is a global market is a market tablet hardware, IT has the highest growth rate in 2010, and Growth of Tablet PCs threaten Smartphone and Netbook.

    This year too, it is estimated nearly 100 new tablet launched. Whereas last year, sales of tablet in the world reached 18.3 million tablets, and 90 percent market share held by iPad. With a strong consumer appeal, recent business sector showed an increase in interest in the use of tablets. However, of the total units sold worldwide in 2010, only 5 percent are bought by the business sector. In the future this percentage is expected to increase and reached 30 percent in 2015.

    iPad manufactured by Apple is expected to continue to lead global tablet market in the short and medium term. However, new entrants such as RIM, Cisco, Avaya and Android-based devices is also expected to gain market share relatively quickly in the short term. In general, the tablet has a unique selling points are very strong especially for the sales sector has varied industry focus. Industry is a pioneer in the use of tablets is the pharmaceutical sector, construction and consumer goods

    Iwan Rachmat, Senior Consultant, Information & Communication Technologies, Frost & Sullivan Indonesia said, tablet PCs fever in Indonesia began to be felt since mid-2010 when Apple began reaching the world with his Apple iPad.

    "However, there are still factors that inhibit the penetration of the tablet in the corporate market, such as the use and access via tablet that has not been common, limited application developers tablets, the low number of data plans 3G, Telco special subsidies for the tablet and high prices in local markets," he explained in Tempo release received Thursday (3 / 3).

    He continues, Indonesia against the smartphone market demand and other communication devices is high, even Blackberry users in Indonesia had reached 3 million people, mostly used by young people. The presence of separate tablets could be a threat for smartphones and netbooks (mini-laptop version) that is currently in demand.
    Source : Tempointeraktif.com  3/Mar/2011 18:15
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    Tips to Avoid Scam Trap Japan Tsunami

    Once the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, a lot of the global online community that was moved to help the victims by donating via the website, such as the Red Cross. Too bad a lot of cyber criminals who use them to plow money from donors by creating scenarios cunning. Do not until you become a victim. Make sure your donations reach the destination. You can do this.

    Spell Check URL

    Natural disasters are often exploited by cyber criminals to create fake websites with design and logo made similar to certain sites. Usually a site that is forged payment sites, like PayPal, and sites of humanitarian organizations, such as the Red Cross. Cyber ​​criminals exploit this issue to attract the attention of the public who wish to donate, but ultimately the money that is channeled through site-Abal Abal it comes into their own pockets.

    Therefore, before deciding to transfer money, make sure you do not get into the wrong site. One of the ways used by cyber criminals is to create domain names that are similar to the original domain, such as: Faecbook.com or twitr.com. This trick is commonly known as typosquatting. For that, double check the domain that you type and do not be easy to iyakan e-mail containing the request donations.

    Do Wrong Direction

    If you want to donate money through the website, try not to any 'third party' involved. Financial phishing scam that has spread on the internet usually will direct you to another site where they will ask you to enter credit card information. If you were escorted to another site that looks suspicious or aware that the link URL contains characters that are not normal, then immediately disconnect your internet connection.

    Beware of Link 'Toxic'

    Scam (fraud) on the Internet was a success because he netted a lot of people. So if you find a website that looks suspicious, check and re-check in advance through a search engine for the predatory reputation of the website. Do not be too easy to trust the messages and links that spread via Twitter and Facebook. The two sites made it a popular favorite channels the scammers to emnadapatkan money instantly.

    To ensure you do not become victims of online crime, remember do not ever give your PIN code, license number, phone number or date of birth. Humanitarian organizations like the Red Cross or Disaster Donate never asked for such information. (Source: Internet Healthy / DOR/http://id.berita.yahoo.com/)
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    Download Mozilla Firefox 4 has been released

    Last week, Microsoft has just released the Internet Explorer 9. Not to be outdone, Mozilla too hastily shadow his footsteps by releasing the latest version of the web browser Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox 4.

    If you Firefox user, it felt like an eternity waiting for this fourth-generation Web browser. Since last year developed, Firefox 4 never comes. But, believe not believe, the latest version of Mozilla's browsers today have been available on the server and available for download.

    The first thing you feel different is the UI (user interface-UI) Firefox 4. Really feels when you migrate from previous versions, Firefox 3.6. Home button located on the left of the screen, making it easier for you to find the previous menus in one location.

    Recommended Add-Ons Manager also redesigned. Similar but not equal to the Chrome Web Store who can be found in Chrome. If the previous version, you can tamper with the Add-On on different pop-up window, in Firefox 4 You can explore the Add-On in a new tab.

    Here, you will be relieved and comfortable with a larger space. Users will be easier to regulate and control the add-on that has been installed at the same time find out if there is a new extension.

    There is also a Firefox Sync is a basic service, lets you store bookmarks, preferences, and other components are synchronized although in a different computer.

    The most important thing to know is: Firefox 4.0 is much faster. Startup time and load Web pages more quickly into the main capital Firefox 4 to compete with the giants of other Web browsers.
    Mozilla Firefox 4 for Windows


    The long-awaited Firefox 4 is faster, with a much-improved user-interface, support for the latest web technologies and much more. Recommended.
    Review Rating: rating
    Type: Full commercial application
    Platform: Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP
    Manufacturer: Mozilla
    Size: 12MB                                                                                                 
    Price: Free
    Download : Mozilla Firefox 4 for Windows :  Mirror 1 | Mirror 2

    Mozilla firefox 4 for mac


    The long-awaited Firefox 4 is faster, with a much-improved user-interface, support for the latest web technologies and much more. Recommended.
    Review Rating: rating
    Type: Full commercial application
    Platform: Mac OS X
    Manufacturer: Mozilla
    Size: 26MB
    Price: Free
    Download : Mozilla Firefox 4 for mac : Mirror 1
    Source : http://id.berita.yahoo.com/
    [ Read More ]

    Computer Tips for Computer Security

    Almost all people using computers today can change them, browsing the web, check email, and run a word processing program. The problem is that while computers are easy to use, those who have no knowledge about the problem of computer crime has a very difficult time understanding the reasons why it is important to ensure that their computers safe and secure. If you do not want to find yourself you call a computer repair Delaware men to help with virus or security breach, consider doing a few tips and tricks.

    1. Update Your Antivirus Software

    Antivirus software is great. There are tons of great programs to choose from and they will automatically scan your PC for viruses, malware, and more. The problem is that antivirus programs do not permanently set-and-go solutions. Internet growing rapidly and if you do not update your antivirus software regularly you will be vulnerable to some of the latest viruses and internet crimes out there.

    2. Lock Your Computer

    Your computer is your personal space. Every person walking into your home or office should not have access to your personal information. Log into the habit of locking your computer every time you walk away, even if you just walk out to the bathroom. computer security breaches can occur in a matter of mere minutes. Enter a password to login again will only take seconds and you will immediately return to work.

    3. Avoid Strange Email Link

    Be cautious when you receive an email from the company requesting your personal information, even if they look legitimate. Hackers will create an email address that appears similar to that used by the formal organization, but only slightly different. They will send you to web pages that seem to log-in page for the site you're used to. When you enter your information and recognize that you are in the wrong place, you will be given your user name and password. Do not use the link in the email to log-in page if you can avoid doing it.

    4. Update Your PC Security

    You may receive periodic emails from Microsoft to let you know that the latest security patches have been developed. Do not ignore an email or pop-up messages. They are designed to immediately improve the security breach that the developers identify the platform. Ignore this email and failed to make the update will leave your computer vulnerable as well. Not getting notifications? Go to Windows Update Center and find their own.

    5. Select a Strong Password

    According to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, the attacker has access to a number of programs that enable them to find out your computer passwords. The more complex your password, the more work will be for them to know, and the more likely they will give up and switch to something easier. Choose a password with numbers, spaces, special characters, and a combination of both upper and lowercase letters.

    Use care and caution when using your computer. Every time you enter the Internet you open yourself to potential security breaches. If you are not careful, you will be the next person you call a computer repair technician Delaware to help get things back to normal - even if possible!

    Article sourcehttp://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shelly_Bailey 
    [ Read More ]

    Mass Effect 2 Via uTorrent

    Akhirnya bisa berposting kembali , pada pembahasan kali ini saya akan share request dari temen saya yang mana merequest Game PC yang patut sobat blogger coba. game ini berbasis Adventure and Action. penasaran dengan game ini ??? ayo ke TKP,. cekidot

    Mass Effect 2  merupakan sebuah game dengan cerita trilogi yang amat menarik dan grafis yang sangat memukau. Mass Effect 2 merupakan babak baru dari pertualangan sang jagoan bernamaCommander Shepard, aksinya pun kian cemerlang dengan ditemani beberapa tokoh baru yang juga memiliki andil penting dalam rangkaian cerita.

    Minimum System Requirements for Mass Effect on the PC
    Operating System:
    Windows XP or Vista
    2.4+GHZ Intel or 2.0+GHZ AMD
    1 Gigabyte Ram (XP)
    2 Gigabyte Ram (Vista)
    Video Card:
    NVIDIA GeForce 6 series(6800GT or better)
    ATI 1300XT or better (X1550, X1600 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements)
    Hard Drive Space:
    12 Gigabytes
    Sound Card:
    DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers
    Recommended System Requirements for Mass Effect on the PC
    Operating System:
    Windows XP or Vista
    2.6+GHZ Intel or 2.4+GHZ AMD
    2 Gigabyte Ram
    Video Card:
    NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX or higher.
    ATI X1800 XL series or higher
    Hard Drive Space:
    12 Gigabytes
    Sound Card:
    DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers – 5.1 sound card recommended

    INFO : Dowload Mass Effect 2 Via uTorrent Harus menggunakan tool uTorrent , Download tool uTorrent bisa klik disini
    [ Read More ]

    Internet Explorer (IE) 9 Final version

    Microsoft's latest browser, Internet Explorer (IE) 9 Final version finally released last March 14, 2011. Although the realm of the browser is populated by many players such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, and several other smaller browsers, IE still seems desirable.

    This can be seen as when Microsoft released the Beta version IE9 around the end of September last year. Greeting pretty good market, where companies with offices in Redmond was reported that there were about 2 million times downloaded within the first 48 hours.

    In fact, when it IE9 arguably not yet "ripe". What if Microsoft actually present final version or versions of ripeness? According forecast, the amount of download IE9 Final version exploded.

    IE9, released Monday, was downloaded 2.35 million times in the first 24 hours. If the average, there are about 98,000 times the download for an hour or 27 times per second download.

    "We want to thank all the people in the world upon them by downloading IE9 enthusiasm," said Ryan Gavin, senior director of IE, which quoted VIVAnews of Mashable.com, Thursday, March 17, 2011.

    When compared with other browsers, IE9 achievement is not very impressive. Mozilla Firefox is still unmatched for a matter of record. Within a few hours after its release, Firefox 3.5 recorded more than 1 million times downloaded in 2009. Previously, Firefox 3.0 downloaded 8 million times within 24 hours. IE9 record is still far behind Firefox.

    So what Microsoft has to offer with the latest browser? IE supports the latest version of HTML5, which is an updated user interface, as well as anti-trace functions. In addition, it also supports Direct2D, DirectWrite to accelerate graphics performance, and some additional features in CSS3 and strandarisasi SVG2.

    New features that Microsoft claimed to be able to make IE9 over 'speeding' and light.
    Source : VIVAnews.com
    Download Internet Explorer (IE) 9 here
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    Download Internet Explorer 9.0 Vista

    license/price : Freeware
    size             : 17.28 Mb

    Internet Explorer is the world's most popular Web browser. Security, ease of use, and improvements in RSS, CSS, and Ajax support are Microsoft's priorities for Internet Explorer. This version of IE runs on the 32-bit version of Windows Vista.
    The latest version of the browser includes support for:

    • Accelerators - which allow supported web applications to be invoked without explicitly navigating to them. 
    • WebSlices - which allows portions of page to be subscribed to and monitored from a redesigned Favorites Bar.
    • InPrivate privacy features.
    • SmartScreen phishing filter.

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