
Award Lebaran

Meski tangan tak sempat berjabat&mata tak sempat bertatap, setidaknya hati kita masih berwujud…
Manusia bukanlah kertas putih tak bernoda, ada titik khilaf dimana emosi memasung nurani&logika.
Kaki kadang salah langkah, bibir kadang salah ucap, hati kadang salah sangka, janji kadang terlupakan.
Di Idul Fitri ini mari kita hapus smua dosa.
Minal Aidin wal Faidzin…
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin 1 Syawal 1430 H

saya dapat Award ini dari Kupu Mungil
yang saling bermaafan :
1. Rizki
2. Aryo Halim
3. Kupu
4. Zein Okeh
5. dst.
Peraturanya :
1. caranya cukup simpel yang perlu teman-teman lakukan setelah menerima Award ini adalah akan lebih baik lagi jika tidak ada hapus menghapus biarkan nama-nama tersebut di atas atau yang telah tertulis sebelumnya tetap ada.
2. apabila sudah mencapai 5 nama maka ke 5 nama tersebut tidak usah di masukan link URL nya biarkan namanya saja tidak perlu di hapus (bagi penerima ke 6.
3. dan pada nama ke 6 sampai ke 10 masukan Link URL nya. dan begitu juga seterusnya. cukup 20 NAMA BLOGGER saja yang ada Link URL nya (Bagi penerima ke 11).
4.setiap penerima harus memasukan nama dan link urlnya.

(Bagi sahabat yang menginginkan di COPAS aja.)

Zein Dapet Award dari Kupu neh..
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Freindship Award II

Dapat Award lagi. gimana ya cara membalas kebaikan dari teman-teman sesama blogger yang sudah ngasih beberapa awardnya ke blog saya.?? mudah-mudahan yang ngebalasnya sama yang diatas, amien..
walaupun hampir mirip dengan award yang saya terima kemaren tapi beda maknanya kali ya... sekali lagi terimakasih buat Hendy - i am just student yang telah memberikan award nya.

as the rule, i must distribute it to other friends.
and they are:

1. Ica
2. F.u.f.u
3. Iyan1982
4. Iklan Menoreh
5. Kluwan
6. blog Triks

How to take it?

a. Make a short posting about this award.
b. Insert giver's name and link
c. Give it to other another blogger and put this link:

- tips and trik
- vitri
- i am just a student
- Share Everything
- 1st person that you give (orang pertama yg mendapat award ini)
Get It..!!
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Award Ber-backlink

Dapat award lagi, makasih nih awardnya, dengan banyak nya teman-teman yang memberikan award membuat saya menjadi semakin bersemangat dalam bloging, award ini saya dapatkan dari teman saya Mas Iyan 1982 yang selalu memberikan semangat pada blog saya. sukses selalu buat Mas Iyan 1982. Amanatnya harus disampaikan juga nih kepada 10 blogger yang lainnya:

01. Goceng (http://tipgoceng.blogspot.com/)
02. Linkga (http://linkga-mg.blogspot.com)
03. Aep Hari septiana (http://aephobia.blogspot.com/)
04. I'm just student (http://proudtobe-indonesian.blogspot.com/)
05. Mlaty (http://mlaty.blogspot.com/)
06. Adhyz82 (http://www.adhyz82.blogspot.com/)
07. Rangga-Hadi (http://rangga-hadi.blogspot.com/)
08. Herdoni Wahyono (http://herdoniwahyono.blogspot.com/)
09. Sangaji (http://penebaruang.blogspot.com/)
10. May's (http://satuhpbanyakkartu.blogspot.com/)


1. Buat Posting mengenai Award diatas.
2. Cantumkam dalam posting nama + link pemberi
3. Buat susunan nama + link dalam posting sbb :

01. Deogracias
02. Free Tips
03. Auto Motor 2009
04. Ruri
05. Mas Doyok - New Blog Trik
06. irfanrasyid
08. Blog napi Belog
09. Biocheck31
10. Zein Okeh

4. Isi nama + link kalian harus berada di peringkat 10, sedangkan posisi 1 dihilangkan / dihapus, sehingga posisi 2 diganti oleh 3, posisi 3 diganti 4, posisi 4 diganti 5, dan seterusnya, hingga no. 10 adalah nama + link kalian.
5. Silahkan Copy Award disini
6. Selamat, semoga dengan award ini semakin akrab persahabatan kita
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Add page rank Our blog/web

after I read several ways to increase traffic / page rank. so many ways we can do to add traffic begin from exchange links with others, sign up our blog/web to some social networks, make some new posts and SEO (search engine Optimize) that can be difficult to do, and yesterday I blogwalking to blog friend at www.bantuanteman.wordpress.com and there was the easiest way to enhance the visitor's way to register our blog / site in Auto surf.
With Exchange Program Join the traffic, essentially as blog walking. but this difference is institutions that deal, with the URL you submit, the website / blog you'll be on show throughout the world. and is legal to do, Web / Blog you will not be baned for committing a fraud.

How do I?

How easy. Simply click on the picture below, then select "register" / live fill the available column. Usually the Site you will be reviewed first, longest 2 days, to see you break the rules Site Auto Surf what not.

Once di approve, you stay "surving ads'", continue and minimize it, while doing the other . , No LIMITATION SURFING , so If you have a 24-hour internet at home, living and turn auto surf continues and minimize.

Every 1 ads that you tough, you get 1 credit, this credit which ever will automatically reduce if there is to see your site. If you have a 100 credit is going to clay 100 visitor your web / blog . Easy right? FREE to join .

The program loads auto surf on the internet, but not all good and proven. The following are excellent programs, and best of all sites, its easy to use and stable.

add your traffic and page rank in here..

Free for register

Free for register
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Some tips to speed up our computer.

Computers that we use are not always going to run as before, sometimes the computer will seem slow and it can hamper our work.

Try this tips :

1. Clean desktop.
computers would be hard if too much is stored there desktop, desktop clean is not so necessary or eliminate them, it could help ease the computer work, we could open his application on the Start menu.

2. Defrag the entire drive .
In this way our computers can usually be faster than usual. then we have a computer at Defrag often. its files will be put back into place nicely .

3. Do not let the program is set automatically.
This also usually slows the computer work when the first time we turn on the computer , our memory may not be enough to open all the applications and was going very slow, might we be computer crashes, can not walk at all, the extra virtual memory will be low.

4. Make sure your computer hardware driver are compatible and up to date.
hardware with an incorrect driver will give effect to the computer, for example, hardware version 4.0 we are taking on a version 3.0 that will affect computer performance.

5. Scan your computer for system errors.
An operating system is a collection of files that perform different functions. It is possible, from time to time, that one or more of these system files have changed or become corrupted. If this happens, your system speed can be decreased. By using the utility called "Checking File System", it will check these files and fix any problems found.

6. Scan Viruses, Spyware and Adware
Every Windows computer vulnerable to viruses. Viruses are nasty little programs that cause both small and large problems for users.
Spyware and Adware are programs created by companies to find out more information about the customer, so they can market products better for them. Usually these programs are not created for malicious purposes. Spyware and Adware can load into the computer memory and slow down.
Periodically scanning and removal of viruses, Spyware and Adware is a great way to improve computer performance.

7. Uninstall unused programs
The first time we install the program we may not know there were programs that install themselves. and it will slow down our computer. and also the long program we install it on is not used will also slow your computer. should uninstall the program - a program that is not needed.

8. Reinstall the Operating System and Program
If you've done all the steps above and your computer it does not become more responsive, you may consider reinstalling the operating system and programs. This is the right choice, Back up or copy and paste the data stored on drive C, format drive C or the drive that you used for the operating system. Next, install the new operating system and all your favorite programs and restore all data and user settings. this will make your computer like new.
some of its contents taken from http://pcworld.about.com
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Friendship Award

Alhamdulillah, belum seminggu dah dapat lagi award nih, makasih buat Fufu yang sudah memberi award ini.
yang mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Berikut isi Copas_nya :

Di bulan mulia ini saya mencoba berbagi award kepada semua rekan blogger yang aktif dan
berpartisipasi di blogger indonesia, tujuan saya adalah menyatukan para bloger
mania di Indonesia dengan satu bahasa : Persatuan, semoga award ini
bisa diterima oleh sobat-sobat semua dimanapun.

Award di bawah ini mengandung arti :
Tugu Hijau : melambangkan sobat-sobat baru
Tugu Kuning : melambangkan sobat-sobat yang selalu aktif
Tugu Biru : melambangkan sobat blogger dengan PR tinggi
Merah : melambangkan bahwa kita semua sama, baik pemula hingga senior
adalah terangkum dalam satu wadah/tempat, dengan darah yang sama
berwarna merah, dan sesungguhnya kita adalah saudara.

Berikut Nama-nama Penerima AWARD :
1. Create money
2. Puput
3. Siagiant
4. Ica
5. Nuranuraniku

Hmmmm... diambil yaaahhhh....
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Download Traffic Shaper XP

Traffic share XP is tool Bandwidth Controller and manage your bandwidth devide your internet acces to small or bigger acces.
Example : If your line speed is 512 kbps (kilo bits per second) you can devide it with 128 kbps Upload capacity and 128 kbps Download capacity or with your current setting and 254 kbps remainder can use by other computer.

Internet sharing is a common method of providing internet access to network users. Rather than requiring a separate connection for each user, internet sharing gives network administrators a simple way of delivering connectivity to all parts of the organization by using a single access point.
As well as reducing costs for equipment and internet services, sharing allows the internet link to be used in a more efficient way. When one user is not consuming bandwidth another user may utilize it for a separate purpose. In this way the link stays at a more constant rate by keeping the stream active with requests from different users.

Internet sharing has many benefits but one of the downsides is that it is prone to congestion. When a small number of users are downloading files the link can quickly become saturated which effectively prevents other users from accessing the resource. Increasing the internet capacity does not always solve the problem because any downloads being performed by a user can easily speed up to fill the newly available bandwidth.
Traffic Shaper XP addresses this issue by providing a rich set of features that allow network administrators to manage each internet traffic flow. Network streams are identified by various factors such as user, direction, website and protocol. Those streams can be limited and controlled allowing the network to distribute bandwidth evenly.

The result is a network that is free of congestion and packet loss while delivering a high quality of service for important data flows such as real-time traffic and business applications.

Download Traffic Shaper XP Free
Note : Be careful use with this tool cause sometimes can make your network not stabil and not connect with other network.

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Award Merah Putih

Aku salut akan warna mu tapi kalut akan wargamu selalu korup dan teror dimana-mana.
Walau demikian engkau tetap berdiri tegak tanpa sedikitpun mengeluh.
Warnamu mengalir dalam darah dan tulangku
Hingga semangatku tak pernah padam akan nyala nya warnamu.
Tetaplah berdiri dan berjaya hingga akhir hayatku.

beuhhh...(jadi malu nih..Kalo jelek jangan diketawain ya..maklum baru belajar puisi..)

Mungkin ini salah satu pengabdian ku untuk bangsaku tercinta, dari teman-teman kita khusunya dari (Mba atau Ibu atau euneng ya nyebutnya ke Ica pe deh hehehe..kidding ya pizz.). yang ngasih award ini dan tengah membangkitkan kemajuan para blogger indonesia untuk indonesia juga tentunya, makasih ya sebelumnya, dah dikasih awardnya hiks..hiks..jadi terharu..(cengeng pisan nyak...semangat..cayo ). Ini merupakan suatu kebanggaan buat saya walaupun mungkin saya cuman bisa ngasih ini untuk negaraku tapi tujuan dan harapan untuk bangsaku tak terhingga. bangkit dan terus bangkit jangan pernah lagi engkau di olok-olok, dicuri, dan dilecehkan oleh negara manapun. Pegang teguh harkat dan martabat kita, pegang teguh visi dan misi kita. Biarkan negara lain jadi panutanmu.

sekiranya ini lah salah satu bentuk kecintaan ku pada mu negeriku.. bagaimana dengan kawan-kawan kita,, ada yg mau award nya ? ambil aja disini atau di tempat kawan-kawan kita yang ada award ini.

Award ini memang harus ada puisinya walaupun sepatah dua patah.
Lupa deh harus dibagi-bagi nih..
Saya bagikan kepada. :

1. Ganda
2. Sudharmawan Rimbow
3. Cyntia
4. Stiawa
5. Ngecamp
6. MusicSong
7. Dwi Isnein
8. Ardi33
9. Radhit
10. Athief Nobita

Mudah-mudah bisa diterima..

Maaf ya kalau ada salah kata atau salah pasang namanya..mohon dimaafin. karena sebentar lagi kita lebaran maaf" an nya skg juga ga papa ya.
Kata Ica juga..: :love:|



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